I will be honest, I had so much fun! I know I may be in a minority out there, but I really do get charged by being with other people, having a goal, and seeing it finished. I feel so accomplished and feel such a sense of connection. I was surprised how quickly we had everything all packed and cleaned up! It really goes to show when everybody does a little, then nobody does "a lot".
We shared some laughs (Erica, could you put out some more bags, please?? lol), ate some pizza and cookies (more than I should have!), and did a great service! I thought about how many parents ordered kits and how many parents would be able to take just a little break because of our evening of work (fun). I always order a kit for my kids because it makes my life so much simpler than running all over Fargo looking for just the right item. Last year, when my son was in Kindergarten, he needed a certain sized ring binder. I had to go to 4 stores before I could find the right one!!! Dragging all 3 kids with me was not my idea of a good time, I might add!
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks again to everyone that helped out (so much for my quick minute, I know, I know...). I can't wait for our next project together!!!
Whatever it takes!