2021-2022 Meeting Minutes
July 17, 2022
Meeting called to order at 5:40pm
Introductions- Patti, Nick, Lizett, Jenn
Meeting called to order at 5:40pm
Introductions- Patti, Nick, Lizett, Jenn
- Overage of money- There were talks about free events being available for sure this year since it could not be done last year. Ice-skating rink was brought up from last year as an option. Movie nights was also talked about as they were mentioned last year but never fully approved. We could also spend the money on anything that was needed for the school. A second picnic table was an option mentioned. It was decided we would talk more about it on the first meeting back to get more opinions and a plan in place.
- Back to school night- Patti will contact Sign Gypsy for back-to-school night signs. Potentially two different signs; one for all students and one for when kindergarten starts. Patti will contact Schneck on ice cream approval.
- Motion was made to make Nick new president of the Aurora PTO for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion was approved by Jenn and Patti.
Janurary 11, 2022
End of year celebration
- Discussion about sending a survey to parents to ask if they want a carnival theme or bouncy houses.
- Date range of March 7-15. Book fair possibly set for March 7 and 8th
Picnic tables
- Discussion regarding adding picnic tables to the campus for teacher student use and overall improvement for people using the space
-Lizett to bring forward to Mr. Schneck
Movie night
- Lots if interest in movie night
-Liz will bring forward to Mr. Schneck
Art Night
- moving forward with this project
- discussion about $20 vs $25 for the students art framed
-no decision made upon adjournment
Dine to donate
- Papa Murphy’s is what we are using
- discussion about whether to add additional restaurants like a sit down; at this time will just proceed with papa Murphy’s
Carnival date
- Mrs. Fuselbake (sp) working on date
Aurora star wear
- Finished logo
- more to come on pricing and date launch
Next meeting February 1st-meetings to be held
The first Tuesday of the Month
Action items to be brought back next meeting
- end of school survey
-picnic tables
-movie night
- art project 20 vs 25
-carnival date
- aurora wear
End of year celebration
- Discussion about sending a survey to parents to ask if they want a carnival theme or bouncy houses.
- Date range of March 7-15. Book fair possibly set for March 7 and 8th
Picnic tables
- Discussion regarding adding picnic tables to the campus for teacher student use and overall improvement for people using the space
-Lizett to bring forward to Mr. Schneck
Movie night
- Lots if interest in movie night
-Liz will bring forward to Mr. Schneck
Art Night
- moving forward with this project
- discussion about $20 vs $25 for the students art framed
-no decision made upon adjournment
Dine to donate
- Papa Murphy’s is what we are using
- discussion about whether to add additional restaurants like a sit down; at this time will just proceed with papa Murphy’s
Carnival date
- Mrs. Fuselbake (sp) working on date
Aurora star wear
- Finished logo
- more to come on pricing and date launch
Next meeting February 1st-meetings to be held
The first Tuesday of the Month
Action items to be brought back next meeting
- end of school survey
-picnic tables
-movie night
- art project 20 vs 25
-carnival date
- aurora wear
November 9, 2021
- Art Show
- Artemet (sp)
- No charge to the school
- 9X12 formatted art piece framed
- Can purchase for $20
- Possible date March 14
- Group seems to be in favor and moving forward
- Artemet (sp)
- Treasure Report
- 42,368.90
- Lost and Found
- Look for a better solution for all the missing articles
- End of year Inflatable
- Non refundable
- Credit $670/after credit 1080.00
- Group wants to proceed
- Turkey Bingo
- Tuesday November 16 1830
- Concessions/Dobbers
- Announce at school Monday and Tuesday
- Book Fair
- $9100 in sales
- Teachers got all wish list books
- Year book
- Teachers submit pictures
- More to come on theme
- Door Blockers
- Possible PTO project
- SpiritWear
- More to come with pricing ideas
- 5th grade to design possible
- Mr Schneck to check on rules of copyright
- Carnival
- More to come
October 11, 2021
Attendees (Online): Patty P, Amanda Schauer, Nick Daley, Heather Mosolf
Meeting called to order at 6:32pm.
Carissa Hansen from the West Fargo Public Library presented about the programs at the library (including the Little Red Reading Bus) and how our kids can participate.
Jill Christopher presented the financials. Overall, little change outside of the fall fundraiser income that is partially received (online funds will be coming still as a direct deposit) and expenses related to the fall fundraiser. Budget will be done prior to the next meeting for approval under the new Leadership Team. In the meantime, the Executive Team did allocate funds for the fall conference meals as that is coming prior to the next board meeting.
Mr. Schneck was very excited about the results of the fall fundraiser. All kids will get to help in putting ice cream toppings on him and Ms. Anderson as a congrats for beating the goal. Mr. Schneck asked for feedback on how things are going so far, particularly on the communication front. Please reach out with any thoughts. Discussion on parking and proper etiquette. Question raised on how the fundraiser funds will be used. The new leadership will be getting that figured out for next month’s meeting as they work through options for fieldtrips, etc. with COVID.
Erin gave the President’s report. Teachers are working on getting needs for milk money so that can be included in the budget. Most committee positions are filling, but there are still options for jumping in to help in different committees. Movie license is currently up and there are no volunteers so need to decide if want to proceed. Lizett will keep it on her radar for next spring and possibly consider a drive-in movie.
Committee Reports:
Motion made by Robin to approve the slate of new officers. Holly seconded. Motion passed.
Next PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 6:30pm (instead of the first Tuesday due to a conflict). Next Papa Murphys date is Oct. 28. Volunteers will be needed for Turkey Bingo and Book Fair – be watching your email for sign-up.
Party drawing held. Winning classes were Wester, Tiedeman, and Fulsebakke.
Meeting adjourned at 7:38pm.
Attendees (Online): Patty P, Amanda Schauer, Nick Daley, Heather Mosolf
Meeting called to order at 6:32pm.
Carissa Hansen from the West Fargo Public Library presented about the programs at the library (including the Little Red Reading Bus) and how our kids can participate.
Jill Christopher presented the financials. Overall, little change outside of the fall fundraiser income that is partially received (online funds will be coming still as a direct deposit) and expenses related to the fall fundraiser. Budget will be done prior to the next meeting for approval under the new Leadership Team. In the meantime, the Executive Team did allocate funds for the fall conference meals as that is coming prior to the next board meeting.
Mr. Schneck was very excited about the results of the fall fundraiser. All kids will get to help in putting ice cream toppings on him and Ms. Anderson as a congrats for beating the goal. Mr. Schneck asked for feedback on how things are going so far, particularly on the communication front. Please reach out with any thoughts. Discussion on parking and proper etiquette. Question raised on how the fundraiser funds will be used. The new leadership will be getting that figured out for next month’s meeting as they work through options for fieldtrips, etc. with COVID.
Erin gave the President’s report. Teachers are working on getting needs for milk money so that can be included in the budget. Most committee positions are filling, but there are still options for jumping in to help in different committees. Movie license is currently up and there are no volunteers so need to decide if want to proceed. Lizett will keep it on her radar for next spring and possibly consider a drive-in movie.
Committee Reports:
- Back to School night - Patty and Heather are willing to help with Back-to-School night for Fall 2022.
- Spiritwear – looking at Christmas delivery on items so could possibly be Christmas gifts. Will have some shirt, sweatshirt, and maybe sticker options. Other options could be sweatpants. Also discussed refreshing our AllStars logo. Discussed having a nicer quality shirts at a little higher price. This is not a fundraiser but a breakeven.
- Fro-Yo – Discussed the pros and cons of this. Can be a lot of work for the teachers (and the PTO treasurer/office staff). Also, we can not get supplies through food service as before. Discussed promoting events to support the 5th graders.
- Fun Run – went very well raising just over $32,000 with over 400 kids raising funds. Will be handing out 275 DQ gift cards for the fundraisers. Loved having others out to cheer on the kids – helped to motivate the runners. Slight delay in the gift cards so will keep everyone posted. Ice Cream Sundae celebration will be held on Friday.
- Fall Book Fair – is all set up and will be held during conferences. Still need a few volunteers for both nights. Online bookfair is up and running.
- Turkey Bingo – Brandi is having some trouble securing donations. Currently she has a $50 gift card from each Hornbachers and Cashwise. Still need to lock down a date. Can’t start until later since YMCA is there. Tentative date is Monday, November 15 with first game at 6:30pm. Need to check with Neely as to the availability of the school. Brandi is working to get turkeys too. She will buy if needed – need 10. $5 per person, $20 family max.
- Teacher Conference meals - Ashley Nowacki
Motion made by Robin to approve the slate of new officers. Holly seconded. Motion passed.
Next PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 6:30pm (instead of the first Tuesday due to a conflict). Next Papa Murphys date is Oct. 28. Volunteers will be needed for Turkey Bingo and Book Fair – be watching your email for sign-up.
Party drawing held. Winning classes were Wester, Tiedeman, and Fulsebakke.
Meeting adjourned at 7:38pm.