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2019-2020 Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2019
Jenn Landphere called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.
Introductions were done by all present. One of our largest meetings to date!
Treasurer’s Report - Jill Christopher
Current finacials were discussed with our carryover balance of $17,994.95 for the 2019-2020 school year. The budget for this school year will be discussed and presented at the October 7th Meeting. Approved by Trish Sorenson & Ashley Nowaki.
A copy of the report remains on file for review.
President’s Report - Jenn Landphere
Principals Report - Lynn Bormann
Committee Status Reports:
Other Business:
Remember no school on Monday September 30th!
Thank you for joining us tonight! Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm
Jenn Landphere called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.
Introductions were done by all present. One of our largest meetings to date!
Treasurer’s Report - Jill Christopher
Current finacials were discussed with our carryover balance of $17,994.95 for the 2019-2020 school year. The budget for this school year will be discussed and presented at the October 7th Meeting. Approved by Trish Sorenson & Ashley Nowaki.
A copy of the report remains on file for review.
President’s Report - Jenn Landphere
- After receiving teacher input from Principal Lynn Bormann, it was determined that our schools need was to help fund 20 students, an increase from pre-approved 15. The increase was approved by Amanda Schauer & Robin Berg.
- It was brought to our attention there is a need for new balls for the playground/recess. Estimated cost to be $188. Approved by Teressia Mutch & Robin Berg.
- Discussed plans for the 2019/2020 school year events & estimated dates. (Fun Run, Fall and Spring Dance, Movie nights, Family Fun Night, Teacher appreciation.
Principals Report - Lynn Bormann
- Thank you to our 3rd grade teachers in attendance tonight! (Mrs. Thorstad, Mrs. Baumgartner & Mrs.Stormin)
- Announcement that the Art & GATE room construction projects are COMPLETED! Students were able to use this new space as of today!!!
- Several new faces in our school this year, including noon duty paras, reading & special ed para and 3 new classroom teachers. There are a total of 23 classroom teachers.
- School enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year is at 523 (an increase of 5 from last year).
- Lynn discussed how our district is in its 4th year of our 5 year strategic plan for 2016-2021. This means that our schools goals align with the district goals by setting academic goals that focus on continuous improve- ments towards proficiencies in 100% of essential skills. Also setting organization goal to focus on social emotion lessons, CHAMPS voice volume & routines/procedures and Aurora All-Star character traits.
Committee Status Reports:
- My School Tool Box: Committee chair Tawny Follingstad requested approval to sign the new contract for next school year. Motion approved by Trish Sorenson & Jill Christopher.
- After School Clubs: An interest survey will be going out to teachers in October.
- Spiritwear: Order forms were sent out to students the first week of school. Megan Kratcha & Erin Fulsebakke will be submitting orders placed this week. Also discussed doing another order later in the school year.
- Box Tops: This position was taken over by Tracy Boehm for the 2019/2020 school year. She is working to streamline our ways to earn FREE MONEY. Sent out a flyer explaining the 4 programs we will be continuing to use: Amazon Smile, Cash Wise MORE Rewards Program, Coca-Cola GIVE & Box Tops.
- Fundraiser/Fun Run: Chairs Robin Berg & Holly Aasby have been working tirelessly through the summer to change up our Fall Fundraiser to a Fun Run. With 100% of donations given going to our PTO budget. The event will be held during the students gym class on Friday 9/27. We will be using 99 Pledges for our online giving portions, which will take a 10% convenience fee.
- Fall Book Fair: Chairs Robin Berg & Holly Aasby - The book fair will start setup October 3rd - during the same time as fall confrences. It was brought to our attention that we have schlostic dollars that will be expiring. It was approved to gift the new Aurora Classroom Teachers $200 in scholastic dollars. Also it was discussed to use some of our overage to help build the STEM Carts that were approved last year.
- Skate Night: Chair Tracy Boehm - Skate night will be held on Thursday 10/3.
- End of Year Inflatables: Robin Berg & Terresia Mutch volunteerd to co-chair this position. Need to get date booked for last day of school.
- Flu Shot Clinic: Brandi G volunteered to head this and will get information on this event.
- Fall Dine to Donate: Mrs. Baumgartner volunteered to head this position. More info TBD.
- Fall Family Fun Night/Dance: Chairs Jenn Landphere, Megan Kratcha & Erin Fulsebakke
Other Business:
- Open Committee Positions: Volunteers were assigned to Movie Night, Dine to Donate, Confrence Meals, Flu Shot, Blood Drive, Yeabook, Teacher Appreciation Week, End of Year Inflatables & Turkey Bingo.
Remember no school on Monday September 30th!
Thank you for joining us tonight! Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm