October 3, 2017
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by co-president Amber Nerby. Welcome and introductions were made. Meeting minutes for September were approved.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. A preliminary budget proposal was provided. Budget was approved for conference meals, milk money and Dreambox so payment could be made.
3. President’s Report: The President’s report was given by Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby. We welcomed United Blood Services Recruiter Caroline. Caroline presented on the Elementary Education “Be a Hero” program.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
5. Committee Reports were made.
6. Other Business:
7. Adjournment: 8:00 pm
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Andrea Metclaf
Amber Nerby
Danielle Gilseth
Julie Koppelman
Heather Mosolf
Amanda Stowman
Robin Berg
Tracy Boehm
Amanda Sayre
D’Nay Rampaart
Jill Christopher
Laura Scott
Melodie Slocomb
2nd Grade Teachers
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by co-president Amber Nerby. Welcome and introductions were made. Meeting minutes for September were approved.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. A preliminary budget proposal was provided. Budget was approved for conference meals, milk money and Dreambox so payment could be made.
3. President’s Report: The President’s report was given by Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby. We welcomed United Blood Services Recruiter Caroline. Caroline presented on the Elementary Education “Be a Hero” program.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
- Welcome to 2nd grade teacher reps in attendance.
- PTO was thanked for sponsoring the upcoming book fair during parent-teacher conferences.
- Dream Box for K-5 has been implemented building-wide and has received a great deal of positive feedback. As of the end of September 10,393 lessons have been completed.
- October is “Fire Prevention Month”. This year’s theme is “Every Second Counts – Plan 2 Ways Out”. The Fire Station will be visiting K – 3 classrooms during October (9 – 13 Fire Prevention Week).
- Activities/Upcoming Events include: Oct. 16-17, Parent Teacher Conferences & PTO Book Fair. Oct. 19-20, No School, Teacher Convention.
5. Committee Reports were made.
- Costco Fundraiser – Presented by Andrea Metcalf. Costco Fundraiser is Saturday, October 14 from 6-8 pm. Costco will donate a % of sales to the WF School District in the form of a Costco gift card. There will be games, radio stations, sampling and more! A flyer was created and was sent in the October 6th newsletter.
- Vendor Show – Presented by Robin Berg. The vendor show will be Saturday, November 18th from 10-3. Volunteers are needed for set up on the 17th and take down on the 18th. A vendor registration form will be ready soon.
- Fall Fundraiser – Presented by Robin Berg and Julie Koppelman. The fall fundraiser was a success with over $15,000 in profit earned! Cash donations went over very well with roughly $2800 cash donated. Product will be delivered on October 26th. Volunteers will be needed from 3 – 7 pm. Volunteer information will be sent out in a newsletter.
- Book Fair – Presented by Robin Berg. The book fair will be during conferences. Volunteers will be needed for 1 hour shifts running the fair. Volunteers will also be needed for set up on Oct 6th and take down on Oct 17th from 8-9 pm. A preferred payment method of Cash and/or Credit Card will be communicated.
- Flu Shot Clinic – Presented by Amber Nerby. A new state law requires children under the age of 18 receive flu shots in a clinic setting only, therefore, the flu clinic is cancelled.
- After School Clubs – Amber Thorstad is organizing after school clubs. They are set to begin this Winter.
6. Other Business:
- Healthy Cooking – Family Wellness will be at Aurora on Dec 12 and Dec 13 for healthy cooking presentations for 4th and 5th grade. Three parent volunteers will be needed for each session.
- Kindergarten Field Trip – A budget was added for Kindergarten field trips.
- Teacher Gift Cards – Providing a set amount gift card to each teacher versus a “wish list” was discussed. No conclusion yet.
7. Adjournment: 8:00 pm
- Meeting Minutes submitted by Danielle Gilseth
- 2017 – 2018 Board Members
- Co President: Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby
- Vice President and Communications Director: LaVon Johnson
- Secretary: Danielle Gilseth
- Treasurer: Julie Koppelman
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Andrea Metclaf
Amber Nerby
Danielle Gilseth
Julie Koppelman
Heather Mosolf
Amanda Stowman
Robin Berg
Tracy Boehm
Amanda Sayre
D’Nay Rampaart
Jill Christopher
Laura Scott
Melodie Slocomb
2nd Grade Teachers
January 2, 2018
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by co-presidents. Welcome and introductions were made. Meeting minutes for November were approved.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. Fro-Yo budget will be updated to include recent order. Field Trip (5th Grade) budget is expected to be met with sales through the Spring.
3. President’s Report: No updates to note.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
5. Committee Reports were made.
6. Other Business:
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Andrea Metcalf
Amber Nerby
Danielle Gilseth
Jill Christopher
Robin Berg
Amber Thorstad
LaVon Johnson
Julie Koppelman
Jenn Landphere
Grade 5 Teachers
November 7, 2017
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by co-president Andrea Metcalf. Welcome and introductions were made.
Meeting minutes for October were approved.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Danielle Gilseth. A budget was proposed and approved. Budget for Grade K and Grade 5 field trips still need confirmation. Teacher conference meal budget was increased to $1000.00.
3. President’s Report: The President’s report was given by Andrea Metcalf. Costco update was given. Aurora was the 4th best performing WF school
at the event. A $240 Costco gift card was earned and several other wish list items were donated! No Flu Shot Clinic this year. A new state law
requires children under the age of 18 receive flu shots in a clinic setting only, therefore, the flu clinic is cancelled.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
• Welcome to Grade K teacher reps in attendance.
• PTO was thanked for providing meals for staff during parent-teacher conferences and for organizing and coordinating the book fair.
• Parent-teacher conference attendance was 96%.
• Penny Drive raised $1090.61 for the United Way of Cass/Clay! Mrs. Geiszler’s class was the highest donating class and won a popcorn party.
• Fill the Dome is the week of Nov 13-17. Information was included in the newsletter.
• District Update: Long Range Facility Planning Meetings are beginning November 28 – March. There are about 40 members, 2/3 are
parents/community. Mrs. Bormann is 1 of the principals serving. Enrollment for WFPS continues to grow annually 400-500 students. LMS
and SHS will exceed capacity within the next 2-4 years. The main task is to develop short and long term scenarios for school building
• Upcoming events include: Nov 9, Grade 4 Music Program, Nov 10, Vereran’s Day, Nov 13 – 17, American Education Week.
• No School Wed, Nov 22 – Mon, Nov 27.
5. Committee Reports were made.
• Blood Drive – Presented by Amanda Sayre. Blood Drive is Tuesday, Nov 14. A mobile unit will be parked in the school parking lot. Some flex
spots will be available.
• Conference Meals – Presented by Tracy Boehm. A success! Teachers and Staff loved the meals.
• Vendor Show – Presented by Robin Berg. The vendor show will be Saturday, November 18th from 10-3. Volunteers are needed for set up on
the 17th and take down on the 18th. Over 30 Vendors have committed. Girl Scout Troop 3103 will be selling food. More money was put in to marketing this year. A sign for the corner of Sheyenne and 32nd was rented for 2 weeks at $143. Ads will be in the Forum and Pioneer in the upcoming weeks.
• Fall Fundraiser – Presented by Robin Berg. The fall fundraiser pickup was a success! Only 1 reorder item and a few late orders still to arrive.
• Book Fair – Presented by Robin Berg. The book fair was during conferences. Over $7000 worth of books / items were sold. Scholastic dollars
is still TBD but will likely be around $3500!
• Box Tops – Presented by Jill Christopher. Box Top collections raised $1045! Mrs. Geiszler’s class was the top collector and earned a pizza
• After School Clubs – Amber Thorstad is organizing after school clubs. They are underway and going great!
• Ole and Lenas – Presented by Robin Berg. Ole and Lena fundraiser will be scheduled for Sunday, December 10th. More info to come.
• American Education Week – Presented by Danielle Gilseth and Andrea Metcalf. Treats to come during the week of Nov 13 – 17! In lieu of a
parent dessert sign up Mrs. Fields will be bringing cookies for Teachers and Staff on Wed, Nov 15!
6. Other Business:
• Healthy Cooking – Family Wellness will be at Aurora on Dec 12, Dec 13, Jan 18, Jan 19, Feb 12 and Feb 13 for healthy cooking presentations for
4th and 5th grade. Three parent volunteers will be needed for each session. 1 volunteer spot remains open for Dec 12 and 13th. Two more
volunteers are needed for Jan 18-19 and Feb 12-13.
7. Announcements:
• 11/14: Blood Drive
• 11/13 – 11/17: American Education Week
• 11/18: Aurora Vendor Show
• No School 11/10, 11/22, 11/23, 11/24 and 11/27
• 12/22 – last day of school before winter break; 1/2 school resumes
• 1/2/18: Next PTO Meeting at 7:00. No December meeting.
8. Adjournment: 8:00 pm
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Andrea Metcalf
Danielle Gilseth
Jill Christopher
Robin Berg
Tracy Boehm
Amanda Sayre
Melodie Slocomb
Amber Thorstad
LaVon Johnson
Matt S.
Heather Mosolf
Grade K Teachers
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by co-presidents. Welcome and introductions were made. Meeting minutes for November were approved.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. Fro-Yo budget will be updated to include recent order. Field Trip (5th Grade) budget is expected to be met with sales through the Spring.
3. President’s Report: No updates to note.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
- Welcome to Grade 5 teacher reps in attendance.
- PTO was thanked for providing American Education treats as well as Holiday Treats.
- PTO and 5th Grade Teachers were thanked for Fro-Yo efforts.
- Attendance Boundary Updates: No changes to the Aurora or Brooks Harbor attendance areas for next year. For the 2018/2019 school year all elementary buildings will be K-5.
- Kindness Week is Jan 22 – 26. Random acts of kindness will be shared with Aurora students and staff.
- Looking ahead to 2018/2019: Back to School Night is Thursday, August 23rd. First day of school for 1-5 is Tuesday, August 28th. First Day of K is Thursday, Aug 30th. Last day of school will be Thursday, May 30th.
- Field Trips: K – Red River Valley Zoo. Admission $4/student @ 88 students = $352.00. Families will be asked to pay the $1/student carousel fee. Chaperones will be asked to pay the $7.75 gate fee. Grade 5 – Ski Trip. Thursday Feb 8th, Lift ticket is $21/student at 76 students = $1596.00. Lunch is $5.75 x 76 = $437. Bussing is $685.00/bus at 2 busses = $1370.00. Total cost $3403.00
- No School Monday, January 15th, Professional Development Day.
5. Committee Reports were made.
- Box Tops - Presented by Jill Christopher. Next contest is Jan 22nd - Feb 23rd with a submission date of March 1st.
- Vendor Show - Presented by Robin Berg. The vendor show was a success. 40 vendors attended. A profit of $474.41 was made.
- Ole and Lena's - Presented by Robin Berg. Ole and Lena fundraiser scheduled for Sunday, December 10th. Approximately $800 in sales, final % has not been determined/received yet from Ole and Lena's.
- Movie Night - Presented by Amber Nerby and Andrea Metcalf and Chair volunteer, Jennifer Landphere. Dates/ideas were discussed and will be finalized soon.
- Yearbook - Co-chairs weren't present but said that it is underway and going good.
6. Other Business:
- Healthy Cooking - Family Wellness will be at Aurora on January 18 & 19 and February 12 & 13 for healthy cooking presentations for 4th and 5th grade. Three parent volunteers will be needed for each session.
- 2/6/18: Next PTO Meeting at 7:00.
- Meeting Minutes submitted by Danielle Gilseth
- 2017-2018 Board Members
- Co Presidents: Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby
- Vice President and Communications Director: LaVon Johnson
- Secretary: Danielle Gilseth
- Treasurer: Julie Koppleman
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Andrea Metcalf
Amber Nerby
Danielle Gilseth
Jill Christopher
Robin Berg
Amber Thorstad
LaVon Johnson
Julie Koppelman
Jenn Landphere
Grade 5 Teachers
November 7, 2017
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by co-president Andrea Metcalf. Welcome and introductions were made.
Meeting minutes for October were approved.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Danielle Gilseth. A budget was proposed and approved. Budget for Grade K and Grade 5 field trips still need confirmation. Teacher conference meal budget was increased to $1000.00.
3. President’s Report: The President’s report was given by Andrea Metcalf. Costco update was given. Aurora was the 4th best performing WF school
at the event. A $240 Costco gift card was earned and several other wish list items were donated! No Flu Shot Clinic this year. A new state law
requires children under the age of 18 receive flu shots in a clinic setting only, therefore, the flu clinic is cancelled.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
• Welcome to Grade K teacher reps in attendance.
• PTO was thanked for providing meals for staff during parent-teacher conferences and for organizing and coordinating the book fair.
• Parent-teacher conference attendance was 96%.
• Penny Drive raised $1090.61 for the United Way of Cass/Clay! Mrs. Geiszler’s class was the highest donating class and won a popcorn party.
• Fill the Dome is the week of Nov 13-17. Information was included in the newsletter.
• District Update: Long Range Facility Planning Meetings are beginning November 28 – March. There are about 40 members, 2/3 are
parents/community. Mrs. Bormann is 1 of the principals serving. Enrollment for WFPS continues to grow annually 400-500 students. LMS
and SHS will exceed capacity within the next 2-4 years. The main task is to develop short and long term scenarios for school building
• Upcoming events include: Nov 9, Grade 4 Music Program, Nov 10, Vereran’s Day, Nov 13 – 17, American Education Week.
• No School Wed, Nov 22 – Mon, Nov 27.
5. Committee Reports were made.
• Blood Drive – Presented by Amanda Sayre. Blood Drive is Tuesday, Nov 14. A mobile unit will be parked in the school parking lot. Some flex
spots will be available.
• Conference Meals – Presented by Tracy Boehm. A success! Teachers and Staff loved the meals.
• Vendor Show – Presented by Robin Berg. The vendor show will be Saturday, November 18th from 10-3. Volunteers are needed for set up on
the 17th and take down on the 18th. Over 30 Vendors have committed. Girl Scout Troop 3103 will be selling food. More money was put in to marketing this year. A sign for the corner of Sheyenne and 32nd was rented for 2 weeks at $143. Ads will be in the Forum and Pioneer in the upcoming weeks.
• Fall Fundraiser – Presented by Robin Berg. The fall fundraiser pickup was a success! Only 1 reorder item and a few late orders still to arrive.
• Book Fair – Presented by Robin Berg. The book fair was during conferences. Over $7000 worth of books / items were sold. Scholastic dollars
is still TBD but will likely be around $3500!
• Box Tops – Presented by Jill Christopher. Box Top collections raised $1045! Mrs. Geiszler’s class was the top collector and earned a pizza
• After School Clubs – Amber Thorstad is organizing after school clubs. They are underway and going great!
• Ole and Lenas – Presented by Robin Berg. Ole and Lena fundraiser will be scheduled for Sunday, December 10th. More info to come.
• American Education Week – Presented by Danielle Gilseth and Andrea Metcalf. Treats to come during the week of Nov 13 – 17! In lieu of a
parent dessert sign up Mrs. Fields will be bringing cookies for Teachers and Staff on Wed, Nov 15!
6. Other Business:
• Healthy Cooking – Family Wellness will be at Aurora on Dec 12, Dec 13, Jan 18, Jan 19, Feb 12 and Feb 13 for healthy cooking presentations for
4th and 5th grade. Three parent volunteers will be needed for each session. 1 volunteer spot remains open for Dec 12 and 13th. Two more
volunteers are needed for Jan 18-19 and Feb 12-13.
7. Announcements:
• 11/14: Blood Drive
• 11/13 – 11/17: American Education Week
• 11/18: Aurora Vendor Show
• No School 11/10, 11/22, 11/23, 11/24 and 11/27
• 12/22 – last day of school before winter break; 1/2 school resumes
• 1/2/18: Next PTO Meeting at 7:00. No December meeting.
8. Adjournment: 8:00 pm
- Meeting Minutes submitted by Danielle Gilseth
- 2017 – 2018 Board Members
- Co President: Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby
- Vice President and Communications Director: LaVon Johnson
- Secretary: Danielle Gilseth
- Treasurer: Julie Koppelman
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Andrea Metcalf
Danielle Gilseth
Jill Christopher
Robin Berg
Tracy Boehm
Amanda Sayre
Melodie Slocomb
Amber Thorstad
LaVon Johnson
Matt S.
Heather Mosolf
Grade K Teachers
February 6, 2018
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by co-presidents. Welcome and introductions were made. Meeting minutes for January were approved.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Danielle Gilseth. Fro-Yo cost info is needed as well as the prize invoice for our Fundraiser.
3. President's Report: No updates to note.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
- Feb 19 No School
- Feb 23 BOTB begins in Grade 3
- March 14 BOTB begins in Grade 4
- March 2 End of Trimester 2
- March 2 Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss’ birthday
5. Committee Reports were made.
7: Announcements:
8. Adjournment: 7:30pm
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Andrea Metcalf
Amber Nerby
Danielle Gilseth
Anita Pearson
Melodie Slocomb
Bethany Posl
Grade 4 Teachers
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by co-presidents. Welcome and introductions were made. Meeting minutes for January were approved.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Danielle Gilseth. Fro-Yo cost info is needed as well as the prize invoice for our Fundraiser.
3. President's Report: No updates to note.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
- Welcome to Grade 4 teacher reps in attendance.
- Kindness Week was Jan 22-26. A special thank you to Nikki Anderson, our school counselor for coordinating the event and making it a huge success.
- February 5-9 was National School Counselor’s Week. We recognized Nikki Anderson for her valuable role at Aurora and are fortunate to have her as part of Aurora’s team.
- Mrs. Bormann has invited teachers to have her in their classrooms to read aloud to students the month of February in honor of “I Love to Read Month”.
- Battle of the Books schedule is: Feb 23 Grade 3 begins, March 14 Grade 4 begins, March 22 District-wide BOTB at Eastwood Elementary.
- Upcoming Events:
- Feb 19 No School
- Feb 23 BOTB begins in Grade 3
- March 14 BOTB begins in Grade 4
- March 2 End of Trimester 2
- March 2 Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss’ birthday
5. Committee Reports were made.
- Yearbook – Teachers are encouraged to continue to turn in pictures.
- Movie Night – Presented by Jennifer Landphere. Movie Night is scheduled for Friday, Feb 23. Doors open at 6 with the movie starting at 6:30. Volunteers are needed for .5 hour shifts.
- Fall PT Conferences are scheduled for Mar 26-27.
- Spring Book Fair is in the works.
- We are looking into a DQ fundraiser night. More details to come.
7: Announcements:
- 3/6/2018: Next PTO Meeting at 7:00PM
8. Adjournment: 7:30pm
- Meeting Minutes submitted by Danielle Gilseth
- 2017-2018 Board Members
- Co Presidents: Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby
- Vice President and Communications Director: LaVon Johnson
- Secretary: Danielle Gilseth
- Treasurer: Julie Koppleman
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Andrea Metcalf
Amber Nerby
Danielle Gilseth
Anita Pearson
Melodie Slocomb
Bethany Posl
Grade 4 Teachers
March 6, 2018
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Amber Nerby. Welcome and introductions were made. Meeting minutes for February were approved.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The prize invoice for our fundraiser is still needed. Fro Yo cost information is still needed.
3. President’s Report: Future PTO Meeting start time will change to 6:30 PM.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
- March 22: BOTB district wide competition at Eastwood Elementary
- March 26-27: Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4:00-7:30pm
- March 30 & April 2: No School
- April 13: School Play, 1:30pm dress rehearsal, 6:30pm Show
5. Committee Reports were made
6. Other Business:
7. Announcements:
8. Adjournment: 8:00pm
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Amber Nerby
Danielle Gilseth
Julie Koppelman
LaVon Johnson
Michelle Angus
Tracy Boehm
Tawnya Follingstad
Jill Christopher
Robin Berg
Heather Mosolf
Jenn Landphere
Art Teacher Hanna Puetz
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Amber Nerby. Welcome and introductions were made. Meeting minutes for February were approved.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The prize invoice for our fundraiser is still needed. Fro Yo cost information is still needed.
3. President’s Report: Future PTO Meeting start time will change to 6:30 PM.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
- Welcome to to Specials teacher rep in attendance, Hanna Puetz.
- Thank you to PTO for sponsoring Movie Night.
- March is “Music in our Schools Month”. Thank you to Ms. Ray and Ms. Bitzegaio for coordinating activities this month including a weekly trivia question for a chance to win an instrument. A display showing how music has played a part in the lives of Aurora staff members was also created.
- District Update: Kindergarten Round Up at Liberty Middle School for all south side elementary buildings is scheduled for March 19 & 20 from 4:30 – 7:30.
- Accreditation Survey: Parents will be invited to complete a survey for accreditation and to help our district improve its practice. We will also have computers available during parent teacher conferences for anyone wishing to complete it at that time.
- Dream Box: Since the start of the school year Aurora students have completed 58,321 lessons! (data as of 2/20/2018) This is a growth average of 73% per student. We have a guaranteed pricing of $6100 for next year. PTO can reserve money if carry-over funds are available.
- Upcoming Events:
- March 22: BOTB district wide competition at Eastwood Elementary
- March 26-27: Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4:00-7:30pm
- March 30 & April 2: No School
- April 13: School Play, 1:30pm dress rehearsal, 6:30pm Show
5. Committee Reports were made
- Yearbook – Order Forms will be sent home this month. A price of $15/yearbook was approved
- Box Tops - $461 was raised during our February collection.
- Movie Night – Presented by Jennifer Landphere. Movie Night was Friday, Feb 23. We had a great turnout. We would like Teachers present next year. Over $100 profit raised along with leftover candy to be used for Teacher Appreciation week and other incentives.
- Spring Book Fair – Will be held during Parent Teacher conferences on March 26-27. Volunteers are needed for setup Friday, March 16. Volunteers will also be needed at the Book Fair.
- Parent-Teacher Meals – Meals will be catered in for Parent Teacher Conferences March 26-27. Parent sign up for desserts on the 26th will be sent out. Mrs. Fields will be donating cookies for the 27th.
6. Other Business:
- We are looking into a DQ fundraiser night as well as a Mrs. Fields fundraiser night. More details to come.
- We are considering a Spring Event / Art Night / BOGO Book Fair. More info to come.
- A school supply list is needed for the 2018 / 2019 school year.
7. Announcements:
- 4/3/2018: Next PTO Meeting at new time, 6:30.
8. Adjournment: 8:00pm
- Meeting minutes submitted by Danielle Gilseth
- 2017-2018 Board Members
- Co President: Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby
- Vice President and Communications Director: LaVon Johnson
- Secretary: Danielle Gilseth
- Treasurer: Julie Koppelman
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Amber Nerby
Danielle Gilseth
Julie Koppelman
LaVon Johnson
Michelle Angus
Tracy Boehm
Tawnya Follingstad
Jill Christopher
Robin Berg
Heather Mosolf
Jenn Landphere
Art Teacher Hanna Puetz
April 3, 2018
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Amber Nerby. Welcome and introductions were made. Meeting minutes for March were approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. $500 to be earmarked for 2018 – 2019 5th Grade Field Trip. 5th Grade Pizza Party approved. $150 budgeted for Star Readers.
3. President’s Report: Music Teachers are taking responsibility for the Talent Show. DQ Dine to Donate will take place May 18th from 4:30 – 8:00 with 10% of profits going back to Aurora! Administrative Professionals Day budget was approved. PTO Presidents will determine what to purchase.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
- April 19 Gr 5 Music Program
- April 20 No School
- April 25 Kdg. Music Program
- April 27 Building lockdown (parent communication goes home prior)
- May 2 Building lockdown – annual district review
- May 7 – 11 Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 1 Next PTO Meeting
5. Committee Reports were made.
6. Other Business:
7. Announcements:
8. Adjournment: 8:00 pm
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Amber Nerby
Andrea Metcalf
Danielle Gilseth
Julie Koppelman
LaVon Johnson
Mandy Nystrom
Jenn Landphere
Tawnya Follingstad
Amber Thorstad
Tracy Boehm
Melodie Slocomb
Amanda Sayre
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Amber Nerby. Welcome and introductions were made. Meeting minutes for March were approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. $500 to be earmarked for 2018 – 2019 5th Grade Field Trip. 5th Grade Pizza Party approved. $150 budgeted for Star Readers.
3. President’s Report: Music Teachers are taking responsibility for the Talent Show. DQ Dine to Donate will take place May 18th from 4:30 – 8:00 with 10% of profits going back to Aurora! Administrative Professionals Day budget was approved. PTO Presidents will determine what to purchase.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
- Welcome to 1st Grade teacher reps in attendance.
- Thank you to PTO for coordinating the meals during parent – teacher conferences. PTO was also thanked for their work with the Book Fair.
- Spring parent – teacher conference attendance was 97%, equal to last year.
- Kindergarten Pre-Registration had a good turn-out, with 80 families registering so far for next year.
- Thanks to the music teachers for their work with March “Music in our Schools” month.
- Upcoming Events:
- April 19 Gr 5 Music Program
- April 20 No School
- April 25 Kdg. Music Program
- April 27 Building lockdown (parent communication goes home prior)
- May 2 Building lockdown – annual district review
- May 7 – 11 Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 1 Next PTO Meeting
5. Committee Reports were made.
- Yearbook Update – Presented by Mandy Nystrom. There was a vote held for yearbook covers. A monetary “Thank You” for Mrs. Puetz time and dedication to the project was discussed and approved.
- Spring Book Fair Update – We will be discussing what to spend Scholastic $’s on with Mrs. B.
- Staff Appreciation Week – Presented by Tracy Boehm. Budget was discussed. A decision was made to stick with the approved budget.
- Conference Meal Update – Presented by Tracy Boehm. Went well. Budget needs to be at least $10 / pp for a catered meal.
- School Supply Update – Presented by Tawnya Follingstad. Flyers were sent out with the Newsletter and in home folders.
6. Other Business:
- Spring Event / Art Night / BOGO Book Fair – tabled for the time being
- Nominations for officers for 2018 – 2019. Jenn Landphere – VP / President Elect, LaVon Schill - President / Communication Director. Still need to fill Secretary and Treasurer.
- Volunteers for open committee chair positions for 2018 – 2019. Those interested are encouraged to email PTO.
- Teacher Classroom Requests – due date will be discussed.
- Fro – Yo – parent involvement will be requested for next year.
7. Announcements:
- 5/1/2018: Next PTO Meeting at 6:30.
8. Adjournment: 8:00 pm
- Meeting Minutes submitted by Danielle Gilseth
- 2017-2018 Board Members:
- Co President: Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby
- Vice President and Communications Director: LaVon Johnson
- Secretary: Danielle Gilseth
- Treasurer: Julie Koppelman
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Amber Nerby
Andrea Metcalf
Danielle Gilseth
Julie Koppelman
LaVon Johnson
Mandy Nystrom
Jenn Landphere
Tawnya Follingstad
Amber Thorstad
Tracy Boehm
Melodie Slocomb
Amanda Sayre
September 5, 2017
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by co-president Andrea Metcalf. Welcome and introductions were made.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The starting checkbook balance for the 2017 – 2018 school year is $5529.52 (as of 8/22/17). The PTO will hold a budget meeting for the 2017 – 2018 school year after the fall fundraiser.
3. President’s Report: The President’s report was given by Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby. Welcome to the 2017 – 2018 PTO. Back to School Night was a success. PTO handed out cookies and flyers.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
• Welcome to School Board Liaison and Aurora parent Jon Erickson. Welcome to 3rd grade teacher reps in attendance.• PTO was thanked for organizing and distributing school supplies at back to school registration. PTO was also thanked for providing 1st day back to sch ool treats for Teachers and Staff.
• Site license for Dream Box for K-5 has been purchased. Once student rosters are loaded into the system our 12-month subscription will start.
• Staff and student update was given. Seven new staff members at Aurora this year including Dean of Students, front office para, AmeriCorps, classroom teachers and a custodian. Names were provided in the first school newsletter.
• Enrollment this year increased by 5 students to 517. We have 23 classroom teachers.
• Our district is in its 2nd year of our 5 year Strategic Plan. Aurora’s Building goals align with the following district goals: Controlling voice volume, building-wide attention-getting signal, review Fall STAR Assessment scores and set incremental goals for Spring (MATH & READING), focus on continuous improvement toward proficiency in essential skills.
5. Committee Reports were made.
• School Supply Kits – Presented by TawynaFollingstad. 84 kits were purchased for the 2017 – 2018 school year. Motion was made and 2nd to approve the contract for next spring.
• Spirit Wear – Presented by Amber Nerby. Flyers were provided and also went out in the school newsletter. Orders are due by 9/14/17. Samples were passed around.
• Fall Fundraiser – Presented by Robin Berg and Julie Koppelman. Fundraiser kicks off 9/7/17. One turn in date this year, 9/21/17. Volunteers are needed for the evening of the turn in to verify orders and payment. The PTO makes roughly 40% of the total sales. Orders will be available for pick up on 10/26/17.
• Fall Family Event – Presented by Amber Nerby and Amber Thorstad. Date tbd.
• Box Tops – Presented by Jill Christopher. We currently have a box top balance of $177.60. $1879.84 was raised last year. Box Tops phone app was demonstrated. Coke rewards and CashWiselabels for learning are also great opportunities for rewards. Campbells labels for learning program is phasing out and will no longer be available after 1/2/18.
• Book Fair – Presented by Robin Berg. The book fair will be during conferences. Volunteers will be needed for 1 hour shifts running the fair. We have approximately 250 Scholastic funds banked. We are looking at a BOGO free fair to be held in April / May.
• After School Clubs – Presented by Amber Thorstad. Several teachers have expressed interest in teaching after school clubs for 2017 – 2018.
6. Committees: Presented by Amber Nerby and Andrea Metcalf. Volunteer opportunities (chair, co-chair, assist) for open committees include:
• American Education Week in November
• Fall Conference Meals in Fall and Spring
• Flu Shot Clinic this Fall
• Movie Night – LaVon Johnson was contacted by a parent interested in chairing this committee
• End of Year Inflatables
• Yearbook
• Drama Club
• Other fundraising ideas including Costco shopping event, Skate City, Froyo were briefly discussed.
• Handouts were provided listing open chair / volunteer opportunities for these committees.
7. Adjournment: 8:00 pm
• Meeting Minutes submitted by Danielle Gilseth
• 2017 – 2018 Board Members
o Co President: Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby
o Vice President and Communications Director: LaVon Johnson
o Secretary: Danielle Gilseth
o Treasurer: Julie Koppelman
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Andrea Metclaf
Amber Nerby
LaVon Johnson
Danielle Gilseth
Julie Koppelman
Jamie Regner
Tawnya Follingstad
Andrea Gause
Anita Pearson
Virginia Luchau
Jill Christopher
Melanie Harrison
Holly Aasby
Tracy Boehm
Bethany Posl
Robin Berg
Amber Thorstad
Mandy Nystrom
Jamie Machayya
Shelly Smithson
Melodie Slocomb
Joylyn Anderson
Kristen Knudson
Trisha Sorenson
1. Meeting Called to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by co-president Andrea Metcalf. Welcome and introductions were made.
2. Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The starting checkbook balance for the 2017 – 2018 school year is $5529.52 (as of 8/22/17). The PTO will hold a budget meeting for the 2017 – 2018 school year after the fall fundraiser.
3. President’s Report: The President’s report was given by Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby. Welcome to the 2017 – 2018 PTO. Back to School Night was a success. PTO handed out cookies and flyers.
4. Principal’s Report: The Principal’s report was given by Lynn Bormann.
• Welcome to School Board Liaison and Aurora parent Jon Erickson. Welcome to 3rd grade teacher reps in attendance.• PTO was thanked for organizing and distributing school supplies at back to school registration. PTO was also thanked for providing 1st day back to sch ool treats for Teachers and Staff.
• Site license for Dream Box for K-5 has been purchased. Once student rosters are loaded into the system our 12-month subscription will start.
• Staff and student update was given. Seven new staff members at Aurora this year including Dean of Students, front office para, AmeriCorps, classroom teachers and a custodian. Names were provided in the first school newsletter.
• Enrollment this year increased by 5 students to 517. We have 23 classroom teachers.
• Our district is in its 2nd year of our 5 year Strategic Plan. Aurora’s Building goals align with the following district goals: Controlling voice volume, building-wide attention-getting signal, review Fall STAR Assessment scores and set incremental goals for Spring (MATH & READING), focus on continuous improvement toward proficiency in essential skills.
5. Committee Reports were made.
• School Supply Kits – Presented by TawynaFollingstad. 84 kits were purchased for the 2017 – 2018 school year. Motion was made and 2nd to approve the contract for next spring.
• Spirit Wear – Presented by Amber Nerby. Flyers were provided and also went out in the school newsletter. Orders are due by 9/14/17. Samples were passed around.
• Fall Fundraiser – Presented by Robin Berg and Julie Koppelman. Fundraiser kicks off 9/7/17. One turn in date this year, 9/21/17. Volunteers are needed for the evening of the turn in to verify orders and payment. The PTO makes roughly 40% of the total sales. Orders will be available for pick up on 10/26/17.
• Fall Family Event – Presented by Amber Nerby and Amber Thorstad. Date tbd.
• Box Tops – Presented by Jill Christopher. We currently have a box top balance of $177.60. $1879.84 was raised last year. Box Tops phone app was demonstrated. Coke rewards and CashWiselabels for learning are also great opportunities for rewards. Campbells labels for learning program is phasing out and will no longer be available after 1/2/18.
• Book Fair – Presented by Robin Berg. The book fair will be during conferences. Volunteers will be needed for 1 hour shifts running the fair. We have approximately 250 Scholastic funds banked. We are looking at a BOGO free fair to be held in April / May.
• After School Clubs – Presented by Amber Thorstad. Several teachers have expressed interest in teaching after school clubs for 2017 – 2018.
6. Committees: Presented by Amber Nerby and Andrea Metcalf. Volunteer opportunities (chair, co-chair, assist) for open committees include:
• American Education Week in November
• Fall Conference Meals in Fall and Spring
• Flu Shot Clinic this Fall
• Movie Night – LaVon Johnson was contacted by a parent interested in chairing this committee
• End of Year Inflatables
• Yearbook
• Drama Club
• Other fundraising ideas including Costco shopping event, Skate City, Froyo were briefly discussed.
• Handouts were provided listing open chair / volunteer opportunities for these committees.
7. Adjournment: 8:00 pm
• Meeting Minutes submitted by Danielle Gilseth
• 2017 – 2018 Board Members
o Co President: Andrea Metcalf and Amber Nerby
o Vice President and Communications Director: LaVon Johnson
o Secretary: Danielle Gilseth
o Treasurer: Julie Koppelman
Attendance List including teachers and staff members:
Lynn Bormann – Principal
Andrea Metclaf
Amber Nerby
LaVon Johnson
Danielle Gilseth
Julie Koppelman
Jamie Regner
Tawnya Follingstad
Andrea Gause
Anita Pearson
Virginia Luchau
Jill Christopher
Melanie Harrison
Holly Aasby
Tracy Boehm
Bethany Posl
Robin Berg
Amber Thorstad
Mandy Nystrom
Jamie Machayya
Shelly Smithson
Melodie Slocomb
Joylyn Anderson
Kristen Knudson
Trisha Sorenson