May 2, 2017
Meeting minutes will be added after the meeting.
Meeting minutes will be added after the meeting.
December 6, 2017
No meeting was held in December.
No meeting was held in December.
September 6, 2016
1) Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by PTO Board President, Gina Dahl. Welcome and Introductions were made.
2) Motion to approve the minutes, taken by Laura Hjelseth from the last PTO Meeting, on May 3rd, 2016, was made by Matt and 2nd by Jolien Schwan.
3) Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The starting checkbook balance for this school year is $4,594.12. Per discussion last meeting, $500 was donated to Brooks Harbor and another $500 will be added this fall to aid in start-up funds for their new PTO. $700 will be designated for milk/juice for students in need at Aurora. Also, 3rd grade teachers have requested up to $35 to purchase (field trip) t-shirts for students who can’t afford them. The PTO will hold off on assigning a budget for this school year until after the fall fundraiser. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report and discussed expenses was made by Jill Christopher and 2nd by Robin Berg. Conference meal budget was also discussed with a proposed budget of $500. Motion to approve by Michelle Angus and 2nd by Gina Dahl.
4) President’s Report -was given by Gina Dahl. Welcome to the 2016-2017 PTO. Back to school night was a great success- handed out cookies, flyers, and school supplies. We’re looking for a VP Elect, year book chair, blood drive chair, and several helpers/co-chairs for other committees.
5) The school Principal’s Report was given by Lynn Bormann.
* Back to school night was successful- we had 87% attendance (444 out of 510 families). Thank you to the PTO for organizing and distributing school supplies at back to school night, for first day of school treats for staff, and for the art and learn gift cards for teachers. Welcome to Jon Erickson (school board liason and Aurora parent) and the 3rd grade teacher reps attending tonight.
* Guest Presenter: Heather Konschak, District Communications Coordinator discussed the student ID program overview which is scheduled to begin at Aurora the week of September 26th. There will be two cards- one for lunch/library check out and one for bus students.
* Welcome to 14 new employees at Aurora this year including Dean of Students, noon duty, paras, classroom teachers and specialists (names included in school newsletter).
* Enrollment this year: 512 grades 1-5 (increase of 47 students from last year’s 465).
* District has a new 5 year strategic plan in place for 2016-2017- on district website. Key focus areas include- developing and connecting 21st century skills, graduating ready for lifelong and contributing to society and nurturing safe learning environments.
6) Committee Reports were made
* Fundraiser Committee- Robin Berg and Julie Koppelman: Kick off 9/7. Fundraiser will last for 2 weeks with 2 turn in dates (9/14 and 9/21). Goal is 10 items per student. Students will earn emoji keychains. Pick up will be October 19th (on-line website for volunteers). The PTO makes 40% of the total sales. A cash donation is an option too.
* Spirit Wear Committee- Heidi Fritz. T-Squared Printing. The website if open until 9/30 with delivery scheduled for 10/15. Flyers went out in the school newsletter.
* School Supplies- Tawnya Follingstad. We had 90 orders for this school year, down from last year. Things ran very smoothly with several positive comments from families. The contract is ready for this next spring with an 11% discount if in by the end of the week. Motion to approve use of this same company was made by Julie Koppelman and 2nd by Andrea Metcalf.
* Box Tops Committee- Jill Christopher. Brought in $2300 last school year. This year’s goal is $2500. We will have a classroom competition in January or February. We also will collect Labels for Education (ends this year), Cashwise receipts and Coke points.
* Fall Book Fair- Robin Berg. October 9th and 10th over conferences with delivery 11/6 and 11/7. There will be an on-line sign up for set-up, running the fair, take down and delivery. Tax will be charged this year.
* Flu Shot Clinic- Gina. Hosted by 7 Day Clinic again. Date to be determined. Will try for around conference time.
7) Old Business:
* Gina will put together a list of all open positions and helpers needed for committees.
* We will hold on Schools Alive this year as last year brought in few families and instead consider a possible family night instead.
8) Adjournment – 8:00 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by: Andrea Metcalf
2016-2017 PTO Board Members:
Gina Dahl – President
Julie Koppelman – Treasurer
Andrea Metcalf – Secretary
Jolien Schwan – Communications Director
* Below is listed names of those in attendance, including teachers and staff members.
Lynn Bormann - Principal
Gina Dahl
Julie Koppelman
Jolien Schwan
Andrea Metcalf
LaVon Schill
Tawnya Follingstad
Heather Konshak
Gina Ystenes
Bethany Posl
Stephanie Topp
Jill Christopher
Robin Berg
Susan Duffy
Tracy Boehm
Suzanne Brown
Jamie Regner
Amber Thorstad
Heather Schubble
Cassy Ericson
Michele Angus
Teressia Crandall-Muten
Heidi Fritz
1) Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by PTO Board President, Gina Dahl. Welcome and Introductions were made.
2) Motion to approve the minutes, taken by Laura Hjelseth from the last PTO Meeting, on May 3rd, 2016, was made by Matt and 2nd by Jolien Schwan.
3) Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The starting checkbook balance for this school year is $4,594.12. Per discussion last meeting, $500 was donated to Brooks Harbor and another $500 will be added this fall to aid in start-up funds for their new PTO. $700 will be designated for milk/juice for students in need at Aurora. Also, 3rd grade teachers have requested up to $35 to purchase (field trip) t-shirts for students who can’t afford them. The PTO will hold off on assigning a budget for this school year until after the fall fundraiser. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report and discussed expenses was made by Jill Christopher and 2nd by Robin Berg. Conference meal budget was also discussed with a proposed budget of $500. Motion to approve by Michelle Angus and 2nd by Gina Dahl.
4) President’s Report -was given by Gina Dahl. Welcome to the 2016-2017 PTO. Back to school night was a great success- handed out cookies, flyers, and school supplies. We’re looking for a VP Elect, year book chair, blood drive chair, and several helpers/co-chairs for other committees.
5) The school Principal’s Report was given by Lynn Bormann.
* Back to school night was successful- we had 87% attendance (444 out of 510 families). Thank you to the PTO for organizing and distributing school supplies at back to school night, for first day of school treats for staff, and for the art and learn gift cards for teachers. Welcome to Jon Erickson (school board liason and Aurora parent) and the 3rd grade teacher reps attending tonight.
* Guest Presenter: Heather Konschak, District Communications Coordinator discussed the student ID program overview which is scheduled to begin at Aurora the week of September 26th. There will be two cards- one for lunch/library check out and one for bus students.
* Welcome to 14 new employees at Aurora this year including Dean of Students, noon duty, paras, classroom teachers and specialists (names included in school newsletter).
* Enrollment this year: 512 grades 1-5 (increase of 47 students from last year’s 465).
* District has a new 5 year strategic plan in place for 2016-2017- on district website. Key focus areas include- developing and connecting 21st century skills, graduating ready for lifelong and contributing to society and nurturing safe learning environments.
6) Committee Reports were made
* Fundraiser Committee- Robin Berg and Julie Koppelman: Kick off 9/7. Fundraiser will last for 2 weeks with 2 turn in dates (9/14 and 9/21). Goal is 10 items per student. Students will earn emoji keychains. Pick up will be October 19th (on-line website for volunteers). The PTO makes 40% of the total sales. A cash donation is an option too.
* Spirit Wear Committee- Heidi Fritz. T-Squared Printing. The website if open until 9/30 with delivery scheduled for 10/15. Flyers went out in the school newsletter.
* School Supplies- Tawnya Follingstad. We had 90 orders for this school year, down from last year. Things ran very smoothly with several positive comments from families. The contract is ready for this next spring with an 11% discount if in by the end of the week. Motion to approve use of this same company was made by Julie Koppelman and 2nd by Andrea Metcalf.
* Box Tops Committee- Jill Christopher. Brought in $2300 last school year. This year’s goal is $2500. We will have a classroom competition in January or February. We also will collect Labels for Education (ends this year), Cashwise receipts and Coke points.
* Fall Book Fair- Robin Berg. October 9th and 10th over conferences with delivery 11/6 and 11/7. There will be an on-line sign up for set-up, running the fair, take down and delivery. Tax will be charged this year.
* Flu Shot Clinic- Gina. Hosted by 7 Day Clinic again. Date to be determined. Will try for around conference time.
7) Old Business:
* Gina will put together a list of all open positions and helpers needed for committees.
* We will hold on Schools Alive this year as last year brought in few families and instead consider a possible family night instead.
8) Adjournment – 8:00 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by: Andrea Metcalf
2016-2017 PTO Board Members:
Gina Dahl – President
Julie Koppelman – Treasurer
Andrea Metcalf – Secretary
Jolien Schwan – Communications Director
* Below is listed names of those in attendance, including teachers and staff members.
Lynn Bormann - Principal
Gina Dahl
Julie Koppelman
Jolien Schwan
Andrea Metcalf
LaVon Schill
Tawnya Follingstad
Heather Konshak
Gina Ystenes
Bethany Posl
Stephanie Topp
Jill Christopher
Robin Berg
Susan Duffy
Tracy Boehm
Suzanne Brown
Jamie Regner
Amber Thorstad
Heather Schubble
Cassy Ericson
Michele Angus
Teressia Crandall-Muten
Heidi Fritz
October 4, 2016
1) Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by PTO Board President, Gina Dahl. Welcome and Introductions were made.
2) Motion to approve the minutes, taken by Andrea Metcalf from the last PTO Meeting on September 6, 2016, was made by Tracy Boehm and 2nd by Jill Christopher.
3) Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The fundraiser brought in ~11,000 (including donations). The PTO will fund milk money for those in need ($1,575 with half to be paid this fall). Motion to approve milk money expense by Jill Christopher and 2nd by Jolien Schwan. Any other budget items will be finalized after all is complete with the fall fundraiser.
4) President’s Report -was given by Gina Dahl. Welcome to the 2016-2017 PTO. Thanks to all the volunteers. A list of volunteers can be found on the PTO excel spreadsheet. We’re still looking for a VP Elect and a year book chair.
5) The school Principal’s Report - was given by Lynn Bormann.
• Thank you to the 2nd grade teachers for attending tonight and to the PTO for sponsoring the upcoming book fair.
• October is fire prevention month. This year’s theme is “Don’t Wait: Check the Date” (on smoke detectors). The fire station will be visiting grade 1, 2, and 3 classrooms.
• Happy birthday to West Fargo Public Schools. Our district turns 140 this year. On Monday 10/10, the public is invited to participate in district tours from 3-5 pm followed by a reception and ceremony from 5-6 pm at the Leidal Education Center. RSVP via phone or email. Information was provided in the school newsletter.
• Upcoming activities and events:
10/12- 7 day Clinic offering flu shots in the gym from 3-6pm
10/17-10/18- Parent teacher conferences and PTO book fair
10/20-10/21- No school (teacher convention)
10/28-Aurora movie night (concessions organized by grade 5)
6) Committee Reports were made
• After School Clubs- Amber discussed that 6 clubs are being offered this fall (knitting, cooking, culture, drama, lego and art). Some are already full.
• Fundraiser Committee- Robin Berg and Julie Koppelman. ~$23,000 in sales with the PTO making ~$11,000 including $400 in donations. Pick up will be on 10/19 after school. An online volunteer sign up has been created and volunteers are still needed. Students loved the emoji prizes. Next year we will collect money/order forms on one day only (instead of two).
• Spirit Wear Committee- Heidi Fritz. 40 items were ordered which raised ~$200. Items will be sent home with students on Friday 10/14.
• Box Tops Committee- Jill Christopher. 11/1 is the fall turn in date. Jill would like to have a classroom party for the October winner. We’ve raised ~$350 with a goal of $1000.
• Fall Book Fair- Robin Berg. The book fair will be held on October 17th and 18th during conferences (3:00-8:00 pm). There is an on-line sign up for set-up, running the fair, take down and delivery- volunteers are needed. Tax will be charged this year.
• Flu Shot Clinic- Gina. Hosted by 7 Day Clinic again on 10/12 from 3:00-6:00 pm. Sign up on line (Gina to provide link) or walk-ins welcome.
• Fall Conference Meals- $500 was approved at the last meeting. Heidi Fritz is in the process of planning and ordering food.
• American Education Week- November 13th-19th. We are looking for volunteers to help provide treats to the staff- let Andrea Metcalf know if interested. Will confirm budget at next meeting.
• Movie Night- Friday 10/28 at 7:00 pm. We will be showing Translvania 2. 5th graders will run the concession stand. We are working on obtaining a license for ~$175. A costume contest may be held before the movie begins.
7) Old Business:
• Committee Chairs needed for yearbook and vice president.
8) New Business:
a. Brooks Harbor PTO- want to help set it up, monetize and find board members by the end of the year.
b. Robin would like to plan a fall festival shopping night later this fall for vendors. We would open it to Aurora parents first. More details to be discussed at the next meeting.
c. Next meeting is Tuesday November 1st at 7:00.
9) Adjournment – 7:40 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by: Andrea Metcalf
2016-2017 PTO Board Members:
Gina Dahl – President
Julie Koppelman – Treasurer
Andrea Metcalf – Secretary
Jolien Schwan – Communications Director
* Below is listed names of those in attendance, including teachers and staff members.
Lynn Bormann - Principal
Gina Dahl
Julie Koppelman
Jolien Schwan
Andrea Metcalf
2nd grade teachers
Tracy Boehm
Laura Hjelseth
Heidi Fritz
Robin Berg
Bethany Posl
Jill Christopher
Lavon Johnson
Tawnya Follingstad
Heather Schubbe
1) Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by PTO Board President, Gina Dahl. Welcome and Introductions were made.
2) Motion to approve the minutes, taken by Andrea Metcalf from the last PTO Meeting on September 6, 2016, was made by Tracy Boehm and 2nd by Jill Christopher.
3) Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The fundraiser brought in ~11,000 (including donations). The PTO will fund milk money for those in need ($1,575 with half to be paid this fall). Motion to approve milk money expense by Jill Christopher and 2nd by Jolien Schwan. Any other budget items will be finalized after all is complete with the fall fundraiser.
4) President’s Report -was given by Gina Dahl. Welcome to the 2016-2017 PTO. Thanks to all the volunteers. A list of volunteers can be found on the PTO excel spreadsheet. We’re still looking for a VP Elect and a year book chair.
5) The school Principal’s Report - was given by Lynn Bormann.
• Thank you to the 2nd grade teachers for attending tonight and to the PTO for sponsoring the upcoming book fair.
• October is fire prevention month. This year’s theme is “Don’t Wait: Check the Date” (on smoke detectors). The fire station will be visiting grade 1, 2, and 3 classrooms.
• Happy birthday to West Fargo Public Schools. Our district turns 140 this year. On Monday 10/10, the public is invited to participate in district tours from 3-5 pm followed by a reception and ceremony from 5-6 pm at the Leidal Education Center. RSVP via phone or email. Information was provided in the school newsletter.
• Upcoming activities and events:
10/12- 7 day Clinic offering flu shots in the gym from 3-6pm
10/17-10/18- Parent teacher conferences and PTO book fair
10/20-10/21- No school (teacher convention)
10/28-Aurora movie night (concessions organized by grade 5)
6) Committee Reports were made
• After School Clubs- Amber discussed that 6 clubs are being offered this fall (knitting, cooking, culture, drama, lego and art). Some are already full.
• Fundraiser Committee- Robin Berg and Julie Koppelman. ~$23,000 in sales with the PTO making ~$11,000 including $400 in donations. Pick up will be on 10/19 after school. An online volunteer sign up has been created and volunteers are still needed. Students loved the emoji prizes. Next year we will collect money/order forms on one day only (instead of two).
• Spirit Wear Committee- Heidi Fritz. 40 items were ordered which raised ~$200. Items will be sent home with students on Friday 10/14.
• Box Tops Committee- Jill Christopher. 11/1 is the fall turn in date. Jill would like to have a classroom party for the October winner. We’ve raised ~$350 with a goal of $1000.
• Fall Book Fair- Robin Berg. The book fair will be held on October 17th and 18th during conferences (3:00-8:00 pm). There is an on-line sign up for set-up, running the fair, take down and delivery- volunteers are needed. Tax will be charged this year.
• Flu Shot Clinic- Gina. Hosted by 7 Day Clinic again on 10/12 from 3:00-6:00 pm. Sign up on line (Gina to provide link) or walk-ins welcome.
• Fall Conference Meals- $500 was approved at the last meeting. Heidi Fritz is in the process of planning and ordering food.
• American Education Week- November 13th-19th. We are looking for volunteers to help provide treats to the staff- let Andrea Metcalf know if interested. Will confirm budget at next meeting.
• Movie Night- Friday 10/28 at 7:00 pm. We will be showing Translvania 2. 5th graders will run the concession stand. We are working on obtaining a license for ~$175. A costume contest may be held before the movie begins.
7) Old Business:
• Committee Chairs needed for yearbook and vice president.
8) New Business:
a. Brooks Harbor PTO- want to help set it up, monetize and find board members by the end of the year.
b. Robin would like to plan a fall festival shopping night later this fall for vendors. We would open it to Aurora parents first. More details to be discussed at the next meeting.
c. Next meeting is Tuesday November 1st at 7:00.
9) Adjournment – 7:40 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by: Andrea Metcalf
2016-2017 PTO Board Members:
Gina Dahl – President
Julie Koppelman – Treasurer
Andrea Metcalf – Secretary
Jolien Schwan – Communications Director
* Below is listed names of those in attendance, including teachers and staff members.
Lynn Bormann - Principal
Gina Dahl
Julie Koppelman
Jolien Schwan
Andrea Metcalf
2nd grade teachers
Tracy Boehm
Laura Hjelseth
Heidi Fritz
Robin Berg
Bethany Posl
Jill Christopher
Lavon Johnson
Tawnya Follingstad
Heather Schubbe
November 1, 2016
1) Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by PTO Board President, Gina Dahl. Welcome and Introductions were made.
2) Motion to approve the minutes, taken by Andrea Metcalf from the last PTO Meeting on October 4, 2016, was made by Jolien Schwan and 2nd by Jill Christoper.
3) President’s Report -was given by Gina Dahl. Thanks to all the volunteers. Things are running smoothly. The flu shot clinic was successful.
4) Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The 2016-2017 budget was discussed more in depth now that we have final numbers from the fall fundraiser ($11,428.98). Please refer to the Treasurer’s Report for itemized details. The group decided to increase the conference meals budget from $500 to $600 and offer 5th grade $2,000 to put towards their ski trip with the option to fundraise or decrease their busing costs to make up the difference. This year’s budget was approved by Jill Christopher and 2nd by Gina Dahl with all in attendance voting in favor.
5) School Principal’s Report - was given by Lynn Bormann.
• Thank you to the specialist teachers for attending tonight and to the PTO for providing 2 meals for staff during parent-teacher conferences, for coordinating and facilitating the book fair, for organizing and distributing the fundraiser items, and for sponsoring movie night.
• Parent-teacher conferences attendance was 98.5%!
• Community Partnership with Sheyenne High School Student Council and Fill the Dome Event: A new event this year for the student council to go door to door “trick or treating” for non-perishable food items in the Aurora neighborhood to help fill the dome.
• Upcoming activities and events:
11/8: Grade 4 music program at 8:30
11/11: Veterans Day- No school
11/14-11/18: American Education Week
11/23-11/28- No school (school resumes 11/29)
6) Committee Reports:
• Fundraiser Committee- Robin Berg and Julie Koppelman. Distribution of items went well- some boxes still remain in the school office. Discussed ideas for next year-? Same company, one turn in date, delivery during conferences, etc.
• Box Tops Committee- Jill Christopher. ~$750 was raised. Mrs. Thorstad’s class took 1st place with 771 box tops and Mrs. Kotzbacher’s class took 2nd place. A class party will be planned.
• Fall Book Fair- Robin Berg. ~$7,000 in total sales with ~$1300-1500 in scholastic dollars for the spring. Thanks for everyone’s help!
• Movie Night- Attendance was low this year but still a successful night. 5th grade raised about $154 to put towards their field trip. Thanks to Sheena Johnson for helping with the technology problems!
• American Education Week- November 13th-19th. We are looking for volunteers to help provide treats to the staff- let Andrea Metcalf know if interested. $200 was approved for the budget.
7) News:
a. Vendor Show is planned for December 3rd in the commons/gym area from 10 am – 3 pm with set up that morning. Fees include a table and a chair with additional tables/chairs available upon request. Robin Berg to send out a flyer with sign up information.
b. Brooks Harbor PTO- still looking for members. Will plan to donate $1000.
c. A Vice President is still needed for this current year.
8) Announcements
a. On Veteran’s Day, Skateland will be open from 12-2, 2-4, and 4-6 for open skate.
b. No December meeting.
c. Next meeting will be January 3rd and 7:00 pm
9) Adjournment – 8:20 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by: Andrea Metcalf
2016-2017 PTO Board Members:
Gina Dahl – President
Julie Koppelman – Treasurer
Andrea Metcalf – Secretary
Jolien Schwan – Communications Director
* Below is listed names of those in attendance, including teachers and staff members.
Lynn Bormann - Principal
Gina Dahl
Julie Koppelman
Jolien Schwan
Andrea Metcalf
Diane Bjornson
Tracy Boehm
Robin Berg
Jill Christopher
Lavon Johnson
Michelle Angus
Shannon Heick
Matt Skadberg
1) Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by PTO Board President, Gina Dahl. Welcome and Introductions were made.
2) Motion to approve the minutes, taken by Andrea Metcalf from the last PTO Meeting on October 4, 2016, was made by Jolien Schwan and 2nd by Jill Christoper.
3) President’s Report -was given by Gina Dahl. Thanks to all the volunteers. Things are running smoothly. The flu shot clinic was successful.
4) Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The 2016-2017 budget was discussed more in depth now that we have final numbers from the fall fundraiser ($11,428.98). Please refer to the Treasurer’s Report for itemized details. The group decided to increase the conference meals budget from $500 to $600 and offer 5th grade $2,000 to put towards their ski trip with the option to fundraise or decrease their busing costs to make up the difference. This year’s budget was approved by Jill Christopher and 2nd by Gina Dahl with all in attendance voting in favor.
5) School Principal’s Report - was given by Lynn Bormann.
• Thank you to the specialist teachers for attending tonight and to the PTO for providing 2 meals for staff during parent-teacher conferences, for coordinating and facilitating the book fair, for organizing and distributing the fundraiser items, and for sponsoring movie night.
• Parent-teacher conferences attendance was 98.5%!
• Community Partnership with Sheyenne High School Student Council and Fill the Dome Event: A new event this year for the student council to go door to door “trick or treating” for non-perishable food items in the Aurora neighborhood to help fill the dome.
• Upcoming activities and events:
11/8: Grade 4 music program at 8:30
11/11: Veterans Day- No school
11/14-11/18: American Education Week
11/23-11/28- No school (school resumes 11/29)
6) Committee Reports:
• Fundraiser Committee- Robin Berg and Julie Koppelman. Distribution of items went well- some boxes still remain in the school office. Discussed ideas for next year-? Same company, one turn in date, delivery during conferences, etc.
• Box Tops Committee- Jill Christopher. ~$750 was raised. Mrs. Thorstad’s class took 1st place with 771 box tops and Mrs. Kotzbacher’s class took 2nd place. A class party will be planned.
• Fall Book Fair- Robin Berg. ~$7,000 in total sales with ~$1300-1500 in scholastic dollars for the spring. Thanks for everyone’s help!
• Movie Night- Attendance was low this year but still a successful night. 5th grade raised about $154 to put towards their field trip. Thanks to Sheena Johnson for helping with the technology problems!
• American Education Week- November 13th-19th. We are looking for volunteers to help provide treats to the staff- let Andrea Metcalf know if interested. $200 was approved for the budget.
7) News:
a. Vendor Show is planned for December 3rd in the commons/gym area from 10 am – 3 pm with set up that morning. Fees include a table and a chair with additional tables/chairs available upon request. Robin Berg to send out a flyer with sign up information.
b. Brooks Harbor PTO- still looking for members. Will plan to donate $1000.
c. A Vice President is still needed for this current year.
8) Announcements
a. On Veteran’s Day, Skateland will be open from 12-2, 2-4, and 4-6 for open skate.
b. No December meeting.
c. Next meeting will be January 3rd and 7:00 pm
9) Adjournment – 8:20 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by: Andrea Metcalf
2016-2017 PTO Board Members:
Gina Dahl – President
Julie Koppelman – Treasurer
Andrea Metcalf – Secretary
Jolien Schwan – Communications Director
* Below is listed names of those in attendance, including teachers and staff members.
Lynn Bormann - Principal
Gina Dahl
Julie Koppelman
Jolien Schwan
Andrea Metcalf
Diane Bjornson
Tracy Boehm
Robin Berg
Jill Christopher
Lavon Johnson
Michelle Angus
Shannon Heick
Matt Skadberg
January 3, 2017
1. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by PTO Board President, Gina Dahl. Welcome and Introductions were made.
2. Motion to approve the minutes, taken by Andrea Metcalf from the last PTO Meeting on November 1st, 2016, was made by Jolien Schwan and 2nd by Jill Christoper.
3. President’s Report -was given by Gina Dahl. Thanks to all the volunteers. Things are running smoothly. The flu shot clinic was successful.
4. Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The 2016-2017 budget was reviewed briefly. We are still working on paying for the after school clubs and have had a recent deposit of $750 from the box tops. Please refer to the Treasurer’s Report for itemized details. Motion to approve by Andrea Metcalf and 2nd by Jill Christopher.
5. School Principal’s Report - was given by Lynn Bormann.
· Thank you to the reading teachers and Jon Erickson (school board liaison) for attending tonight and to the PTO for supporting the on-going 5th grade Fro-Yo fundraising efforts, providing treats during American Education week, for holiday treats for staff before break and for hosting the vendor show.
· District update- as our district continues to grow and we continue to balance enrollment numbers each year, at next week’s January 9th school meeting a proposal will be presented for Aurora to include kindergarten here next fall, so we will be a K-5 school.
· By the 2018-2019 school year, all elementary buildings are slotted to be K-5 buildings, which was already approved per the long range facility plan.
· 2017-2018 calendar:
8/24: Back to School night
8/29: First day of school
5/31: Last day of school
6/3: Graduation
· Upcoming dates in our current year’s calendar:
1/16- NO SCHOOL (professional development day- part 3 of 3, working with kids who experience trauma)
6. Committee Reports:
· Fundraiser Committee and Vendor Show- Robin Berg. The Ole and Lena’s fundraiser went well- raised ~$200. The vendor show was successful. There were about 35 vendors and ~$650 was raised (after we pay the $200 custodial fee). Next year we will look at changing the date to November and having more volunteers for set up and take down.
· Box Tops Committee- Jill Christopher. $750 was raised. March 1st is the last collection day. Will hand out labeled baggies for collection.
· After School Clubs- Amber Thorstad. Fall clubs wrapped up before break. Currently there are card, art and lego clubs offered. There will also be spring clubs offered in the future, including drama club for 4th and 5th grades.
· American Education Week- Andrea Metcalf. Was a successful, fun week. Thanks to Gigi’s cupcakes, Mrs. Fields cookies, and PTO parents for the delicious treats. We also did a couple days of candy with a fun pun attached (thanks to Mari).
7. Ski Trip:
Date- February 23rd
FroYo earnings ~$500 so far. The cost will be ~$3000 plus busing.
Will decide next meeting if parent contributions will be necessary. So far there are no requests for scholarships.
8. Unfinished Business
Still in need of a VP/President Elect
Brooks Harbor PTO board- send parents our way to get set up for next year.
9. New Business
School Crossing- many concerns from parents regarding the safety of children crossing 9th street without a cross guard present. There are also concerns with the speed of cars and the lack of attention by drivers. There were questions whether a cross guard could be present every day, even in cold weather, as this is very beneficial to the children’s safety. It was also brought up to include public works and the city to possibly add speed blocks, crossing lights and/or a 3 way stop, much like other WF elementary schools. Parents are going to contact the district office regarding options and the policy for staff monitoring students, even in cold weather. Will also look at grouping students in the school and crossing the street at once. In the future, the group may approach public works or the city of West Fargo regarding other options.
10. Announcements
Next meeting will be February 7th at 7:00 pm
11. Adjournment – 8:15 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by: Andrea Metcalf
2016-2017 PTO Board Members:
Gina Dahl – President
Julie Koppelman – Treasurer
Andrea Metcalf – Secretary
Jolien Schwan – Communications Director
* Below is listed names of those in attendance, including teachers and staff members.
Lynn Bormann - Principal
Gina Dahl
Julie Koppelman
Jolien Schwan
Andrea Metcalf
Liz Anderson
Ashley Shannon
Tracy Boehm
Robin Berg
Jill Christopher
Lori Herrmann
Michelle Angus
Jon Erickson
Amber Thorstad
Tawnya Follingstad
Trisha Sorenson
1. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by PTO Board President, Gina Dahl. Welcome and Introductions were made.
2. Motion to approve the minutes, taken by Andrea Metcalf from the last PTO Meeting on November 1st, 2016, was made by Jolien Schwan and 2nd by Jill Christoper.
3. President’s Report -was given by Gina Dahl. Thanks to all the volunteers. Things are running smoothly. The flu shot clinic was successful.
4. Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. The 2016-2017 budget was reviewed briefly. We are still working on paying for the after school clubs and have had a recent deposit of $750 from the box tops. Please refer to the Treasurer’s Report for itemized details. Motion to approve by Andrea Metcalf and 2nd by Jill Christopher.
5. School Principal’s Report - was given by Lynn Bormann.
· Thank you to the reading teachers and Jon Erickson (school board liaison) for attending tonight and to the PTO for supporting the on-going 5th grade Fro-Yo fundraising efforts, providing treats during American Education week, for holiday treats for staff before break and for hosting the vendor show.
· District update- as our district continues to grow and we continue to balance enrollment numbers each year, at next week’s January 9th school meeting a proposal will be presented for Aurora to include kindergarten here next fall, so we will be a K-5 school.
· By the 2018-2019 school year, all elementary buildings are slotted to be K-5 buildings, which was already approved per the long range facility plan.
· 2017-2018 calendar:
8/24: Back to School night
8/29: First day of school
5/31: Last day of school
6/3: Graduation
· Upcoming dates in our current year’s calendar:
1/16- NO SCHOOL (professional development day- part 3 of 3, working with kids who experience trauma)
6. Committee Reports:
· Fundraiser Committee and Vendor Show- Robin Berg. The Ole and Lena’s fundraiser went well- raised ~$200. The vendor show was successful. There were about 35 vendors and ~$650 was raised (after we pay the $200 custodial fee). Next year we will look at changing the date to November and having more volunteers for set up and take down.
· Box Tops Committee- Jill Christopher. $750 was raised. March 1st is the last collection day. Will hand out labeled baggies for collection.
· After School Clubs- Amber Thorstad. Fall clubs wrapped up before break. Currently there are card, art and lego clubs offered. There will also be spring clubs offered in the future, including drama club for 4th and 5th grades.
· American Education Week- Andrea Metcalf. Was a successful, fun week. Thanks to Gigi’s cupcakes, Mrs. Fields cookies, and PTO parents for the delicious treats. We also did a couple days of candy with a fun pun attached (thanks to Mari).
7. Ski Trip:
Date- February 23rd
FroYo earnings ~$500 so far. The cost will be ~$3000 plus busing.
Will decide next meeting if parent contributions will be necessary. So far there are no requests for scholarships.
8. Unfinished Business
Still in need of a VP/President Elect
Brooks Harbor PTO board- send parents our way to get set up for next year.
9. New Business
School Crossing- many concerns from parents regarding the safety of children crossing 9th street without a cross guard present. There are also concerns with the speed of cars and the lack of attention by drivers. There were questions whether a cross guard could be present every day, even in cold weather, as this is very beneficial to the children’s safety. It was also brought up to include public works and the city to possibly add speed blocks, crossing lights and/or a 3 way stop, much like other WF elementary schools. Parents are going to contact the district office regarding options and the policy for staff monitoring students, even in cold weather. Will also look at grouping students in the school and crossing the street at once. In the future, the group may approach public works or the city of West Fargo regarding other options.
10. Announcements
Next meeting will be February 7th at 7:00 pm
11. Adjournment – 8:15 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by: Andrea Metcalf
2016-2017 PTO Board Members:
Gina Dahl – President
Julie Koppelman – Treasurer
Andrea Metcalf – Secretary
Jolien Schwan – Communications Director
* Below is listed names of those in attendance, including teachers and staff members.
Lynn Bormann - Principal
Gina Dahl
Julie Koppelman
Jolien Schwan
Andrea Metcalf
Liz Anderson
Ashley Shannon
Tracy Boehm
Robin Berg
Jill Christopher
Lori Herrmann
Michelle Angus
Jon Erickson
Amber Thorstad
Tawnya Follingstad
Trisha Sorenson
February 7, 2017
- Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by PTO Board President, Gina Dahl. Welcome and Introductions were made.
- Motion to approve the minutes, taken by Andrea Metcalf from the last PTO Meeting on January 3, 2017, was made by Jolien Schwan and 2nd by Robin Berg.
- President’s Report -was given by Gina Dahl.
- Welcome 5th grade teachers.
- Ski trip is moved to March 2nd so the 5th graders can attend a play at Liberty Middle School.
- Play Update- Auditions have started.Play is “A Curse on the King.”
- Welcome 5th grade teachers.
- Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. Budget was reviewed; refer to updated Treasure’s Report for line by line details. 5th grade FRO-YO sales have totaled $1024 so far; will continue to sell until field trip. Field trip busing is expected to total ~$1,330. Detroit Mountain requires lunch be purchased on sight. 5th grade families will likely have to contribute to the ski trip. Will finalize the amount needed in the near future.
- School Principal’s Report - was given by Lynn Bormann.
- Thank you to the 5th grade teachers for attending tonight and to the PTO for their on-going support of sponsoring activities that generate funds for our school.Thanks to Amber Thorstad for coordinating the after school clubs.
- January 23-27 we celebrated KINDNESS WEEK at Aurora.Each day had a dress-up theme, along with some fun activities that promote kindness.Special thanks to Nikki Anderson, our counselor for coordinating this.
- This week, February 6-10 is National School Counselor’s Week- we appreciate the valuable role Nikki Anderson, our school counselor plays and are very fortunate to have her part of the Aurora team!
- During the month of February, I’ve invited teachers to have me come into their classrooms to read aloud to students in honor of “I Love to Read Month.”
- District update- The school board approved having kindergarten students attend Aurora next year, so our school will be K-5 next year.For the year following that (2018-19), all elementary buildings will be K-5).
- Upcoming Events:
2/17 and 2/20- NO SCHOOL (President’s Day weekend)
2/24- End of trimester 2
3/2- Grade 5 ski trip scheduled for this day
3/3- Book fair set up.
3/13 and 3/14- conferences. Sign ups coming out soon.
- Thank you to the 5th grade teachers for attending tonight and to the PTO for their on-going support of sponsoring activities that generate funds for our school.Thanks to Amber Thorstad for coordinating the after school clubs.
- Committee Reports:
- Fundraiser Committee- Robin Berg.Looking at setting up a fundraiser at Ole and Lena’s again- possibly Sunday 3/26 or 4/2.Will make sure the owner is more prepared for high volumes to reduce wait times and will have extra flyers at the store to ensure Aurora gets credit for all purchases.
- Spring Book Fair- Robin Berg.Set up Friday 3/3- need volunteers.The book fair will run through parent teacher conferences with tear down on Tuesday 3/14.Will send out a sign-up genius for volunteers.Laura has volunteered to help again if Robin is not available.Will provide Scholastic dollars for teachers again and for the PTO childcare staff ($200).
- Box Tops Committee- Jill Christopher.Sending home collection packages this week- collecting through 2/24.
- After School Clubs- Amber Thorstad.Winter clubs include lego, art, card, and drama.Spring sign ups will be out soon after confirming with teachers- likely will consist of art, yearbook, robotics for 5th grade, chess, sewing or cooking, and computer club.
- Drama Club- Tracy Boehm.The 2 teachers would like to co-direct versus having a director and an assistant director.We discussed how to pay them from the allocated budget and decided that drama club is a unique club and different from the others.It requires significant prep work and time and provides entertainment for the entire school and a family night.We decided that the co-directors will submit the hours they work and will each be paid the hourly club rate of $30.
- Fundraiser Committee- Robin Berg.Looking at setting up a fundraiser at Ole and Lena’s again- possibly Sunday 3/26 or 4/2.Will make sure the owner is more prepared for high volumes to reduce wait times and will have extra flyers at the store to ensure Aurora gets credit for all purchases.
- New Business
Laura would like a co-chair for American Education Week in May. We’ve provided her with a list of volunteers from our volunteer forms. Tracy Boehm has volunteered to help her.
- Announcements
Next meeting will be March 7th at 7:00 pm
No school 2/17 and 2/20
Brooks Harbor principal Manix Zepeda will be in attendance next meeting.
We are still looking for a vice president/president elect.
- Adjournment – 8:00 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by: Andrea Metcalf
2016-2017 PTO Board Members:
Gina Dahl – President
Julie Koppelman – Treasurer
Andrea Metcalf – Secretary
Jolien Schwan – Communications Director
* Below is listed names of those in attendance, including teachers and staff members.
Lynn Bormann - Principal
Gina Dahl
Julie Koppelman
Jolien Schwan
Andrea Metcalf
Tracy Boehm
Robin Berg
Jill Christopher
Amber Thorstad
Tawnya Follingstad
Lavon Johnson
Grace Brennan
Jen Geisler
Sheena Johnson
March 7, 2017
- Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by PTO Board President, Gina Dahl. Welcome and Introductions were made. Welcome Principal Manix Zepeda.
- Motion to approve the minutes, taken by Andrea Metcalf from the last PTO Meeting on February 7, 2017, was made by Jill Christopher and 2nd by Lavon Johnson.
- President’s Report -was given by Gina Dahl.
- The PTO is hoping to gather Brooks Harbor parents to start their PTO.
- Yearbooks are $15 and order forms will be due the end of March.
- The ski trip was successful.The 5th grade teachers put together a cool video recapping the day.
- Crossing lights were installed by the city to improve kids’ safety while crossing the street.
- The PTO is hoping to gather Brooks Harbor parents to start their PTO.
- Treasurer’s report was made by Julie Koppelman. Budget was reviewed; refer to updated Treasure’s Report for line by line details. 5th grade families each contributed $10 to the ski trip. Detroit Mountain covered the chaperone’s tickets. Extra money will be put towards the 5th grade end of the year party.
- School Principal’s Report - was given by Lynn Bormann.
- Welcome to Principal Manix Zepeda- will be Brooks Harbor Elementary Principal.There will be a meet and greet at Brooks Harbor for all families- a letter was mailed out recently.
- Thank you to any teachers in attendance tonight and to Robin Berg for organizing the book fair.
- Book Fair:Will be set up this week on Wednesday and remain in the library through parent teacher conferences on March 13-14.Thank you to the generosity of the PTO for sponsoring a $5 book fair coupon per grade.This will be a wonderful way to extend the value of reading, as we also just finished I LOVE TO READ MONTH.
- Battle of the Books Competitions are underway- first round for grade 3 was Friday Feb 24.Grade 4 and 5 upcoming.
- Upcoming Events:
March 8- grade 3 music program at 8:00
March 10- Grade 4 and 5 Battle of the Books 8:30-10:00
March 13-14- Parent teacher conferences, 4-7:30
March 16 and 17- NO SCHOOL
March 24- School play (dress rehearsal) at 1:45 and play at 6:30
March 27 and 28- Kindergarten pre-registration from 3:00-7:00. Aurora will also host Brooks Harbor registrations.
- Welcome to Principal Manix Zepeda- will be Brooks Harbor Elementary Principal.There will be a meet and greet at Brooks Harbor for all families- a letter was mailed out recently.
- Committee Reports:
- Fundraiser Committee- Robin/Julie.Ole and Lena’s will be hosting a fundraiser on Sunday March 26th for eat in and take out.We will have extra flyers at the store to ensure Aurora gets credit for all purchases.Letters were sent out to some parents regarding possible missing items from the fall fundraiser; no one has responded.
- Spring Book Fair- Robin/ Laura.More volunteers are needed.Plan to have the teachers send parents an email with the link to sign up.It’s also been in the weekly newsletter.The PTO may sponsor a BOGO book fair in May, using it as a family night.Will discuss further.
- Box Tops Committee- Jill Christopher.$952.60 was turned in in March for a total of ~$1700 for the year.Mrs. Johnson’s class won a pizza party for the most collected.My coke rewards are ending soon.
- After School Clubs- Amber Thorstad.Spring clubs include chess club, Spanish club, art club, drama club and robotics club.A running club is a possibility as well.
- Drama Club- Tracy Boehm.Parents are very involved this year- thanks to everyone for their help.The play will be on March 24 at 6:30 pm.
- Conference Meals- Heidi Fritz.We will be providing a taco bar and a sandwich platter with salads.No additional help needed.
- Fundraiser Committee- Robin/Julie.Ole and Lena’s will be hosting a fundraiser on Sunday March 26th for eat in and take out.We will have extra flyers at the store to ensure Aurora gets credit for all purchases.Letters were sent out to some parents regarding possible missing items from the fall fundraiser; no one has responded.
- Announcements
Parent teacher conferences- March 13-14th
No school March 16-17th
Next meeting will be April 4th at 7:00 pm. Will discuss open board and committee chair positions for the 2017-2018 school year. Please consider volunteering to fill of these positions.
- Adjournment – 7:50 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by: Andrea Metcalf
2016-2017 PTO Board Members:
Gina Dahl – President
Julie Koppelman – Treasurer
Andrea Metcalf – Secretary
Jolien Schwan – Communications Director
* Below is listed names of those in attendance, including teachers and staff members.
Lynn Bormann - Principal
Gina Dahl
Julie Koppelman
Andrea Metcalf
Tracy Boehm
Robin Berg
Jill Christopher
Amber Thorstad
Lavon Johnson
Manix Zepeda
Bethany Posl
Heidi Fritz
Laura Hjelseth
Rebecca Callos
April 4, 2017
On Tuesday, April 4th President Gina Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. A special welcome was extended to 4th grade teachers and introductions were made.
Jill Christopher and Jolien Schwan motioned for approval of March’s PTO Minutes, motion approved.
The President’s Report covered drama club teacher payments, yearbook update, end of year inflatables, Board/Committee Positions that are open and upcoming elections as well as a reminder that Teacher Requisitions are due April 28th.
Mrs. Bormann gave the Principal’s Report. Eastwood will be the host site for Battle of the Books next year. There are 4 sections of kindergarten already planned and 7 sites will be registering kindergarten for the 2017-2018 school year.
Committee Reports –
OPEN board and committee chair positions
Announcements –
On Tuesday, April 4th President Gina Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. A special welcome was extended to 4th grade teachers and introductions were made.
Jill Christopher and Jolien Schwan motioned for approval of March’s PTO Minutes, motion approved.
The President’s Report covered drama club teacher payments, yearbook update, end of year inflatables, Board/Committee Positions that are open and upcoming elections as well as a reminder that Teacher Requisitions are due April 28th.
Mrs. Bormann gave the Principal’s Report. Eastwood will be the host site for Battle of the Books next year. There are 4 sections of kindergarten already planned and 7 sites will be registering kindergarten for the 2017-2018 school year.
Committee Reports –
- Book fair
- $8000 in sales at our Spring Book Fair
- 2400 in Scholastic Dollars available
- Mrs. Bjornson has been added to the tool kit to allow her to order books for teachers
- No end of year BOGO Book Fair; Mrs. Bjornson has a previous engagement; very interested to revisit for next year
- Fundraiser
- Robin getting in touch with Ole & Lena’s for amount
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Laura, Tracy and Julie are putting together a fun week
- We saw examples of the water bottles being handed out to some staff
- Giving tree will be put up again, amounts on gift cards to be decided
- There will be a treat sign up
- School Supplies
- Amount for supplies came in under than in previous years
- Contract just needs to be signed
- Registration days in fall are August 7th (11-7) and August 8th (8-4)
- We will email incoming parents and include Brooks Harbor
- About 500 fliers for our school
- Julie has agreed to stay on as PTO Treasurer
- Julie & Robin will stay on as fundraiser chairs
- Robin will stay on as Book Fair coordinator
- Andrea will stay on as chair for American Education Week
- Tawnya will stay on for School Supplies
- Jill will stay on as Box Tops chair
- LaVon has volunteered to be Communications Director
OPEN board and committee chair positions
- President
- Vice President/President Elect
- Secretary
- Spirit Wear/Clothing
- Flu Shot Clinic
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Conference Meals
- Movie Night
- Inflatables
- Yearbook
- Drama Club (more of a parent volunteer/rep/liaison)
- Blood Drive
Announcements –
- No School April 14th and 17th
- Next meeting Tuesday, May 2nd at 7PM
- Julie Koppleman
- Mrs. Bormann
- Laura Hjelseth
- Tracy Boehm
- Jill Christopher
- Tawnya Follingstad
- Jolien Schwan
- Nikki Kotzbacher
- Beth
- Jon Erickson
- LaVon Johnson
- Gina Dahl