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Aurora PTO Meeting Minutes May 6th, 2014
Present: Jon Erickson, Michelle Lemar, Kriste Briest Tawnya Follingstad, Michelle Angus, Jolien Schwan, Heidi Fritz, Christina Underwood, Kim Spicer, Carol Zent, Tracy Boehm, Erica Johnson, Lori Bateman and Tanya Thompson.
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from April 2014 and asked for approval of those. Kristie Briest made motion to pass meeting minutes and Erica Johnson seconded that motion, April 2014 meeting minutes have been approved.
Lori gave update on Night of the Arts. It was a huge success. We had Sam’s club, Costco and Walmart all donate some money for the night to help pay for the food. We had lots of leftovers that we didn’t anticipate so the teachers had lunch on us the next day. We charged $2 for night of the arts and then a separate $2 if you wanted to attend the play. We heard lots of great feedback on the night.
We started the month with $14,691.26. We had 5 deposits and 6 expenses for the month leaving us with a balance of $16,685.33. The first grade field trip will be around $516, we haven’t heard back from the 3rd graders and the 4th grade trip to Bismarck will be around $4700. Will need to discuss leftover funds and what to do with them.
1. There is questions about next year’s calendar. The secondary schools will have later starts on some Wednesdays next year but elementary will not, they will start same time every day
2. Looks like Back to School night will be on Thursday August 21st.
3. Thursday May 8th is the 1st grade music programs. Everybody will need to check in at the door for safety measures.
4. The talent show tryouts will be on May 23rd. Games Galore is set up and ready to go for last day of school on May 30th. On the last day of school, will start awards right away then talent show then straight into Games Galore.
5. All medication in the office needs to be picked up or it will be thrown. Lost and found not picked up will be donated on June 5th.
6. Grade 1 is going to the Wapheton Zoo, Grade 2 going to TNT fitness, Grade 3 going to Buffalo State Park and Grade 4 going to Bismarck and Bonanzaville.
7. Registration for school next year will begin on August 11th. Aurora will be very full with around 550 students. There will be 3 1st grade classrooms housed at the Osgood Kindergarten Center, those 1st graders are slated to go to Legacy. Will not be able to take any transfers this year and any overflow students will go to Independence.
8. There is a coat drive going on right now for the Salvation Army, drop any coats off in the office.
9. Carol talked about any money left over at the end of the year, she would like to ask the PTO their help in maybe getting some new playground equipment outside. It would go along with the phy ed curriculum and help kids with upper body strength. Not sure of cost right at this time, she will let us know. Also PTO meets and decides what to do with left over funds, the teachers will be given the forms again this year and they can request funds from the PTO. There was some talk of ipads for the classrooms at one time but this would have to be a district wide thing and it is a much bigger picture than the PTO can provide.
Teacher Appreciation: The official day is today. Monday teachers had snacks, today bottled water, tomorrow breakfast, Thursday will be mints and things and Friday will be sweet treats. Every staff should pick up their $5 gift card from Ronda in the office, this is for Panera. PTO also gave Ronda a gift card and Carol a gift card.
Yearbook: This is finished and just waiting on an insert that we will need to put into the yearbook. Michelle will let us know when she needs help with this.
School Supplies: Paul was not at meeting, Lori will touch base with him.
PTO needs to address left over funds and will be looking over teacher requests for funds at end of the year.
1. Lori talked about a new position for next year on the committee. It could be called the PR position. This position would help alleviate some of the duties of the president. This position would keep up with the Facebook and Twitter. Would help answer emails that come in and do any blogging on PTO page. This was discussed further and will call it the Communications Director. Erica made motion to pass new position and Christina seconded the motion. There will now be a Communications Director on the PTO committee.
2. We need to look at positions for next year. Need a President Elect for next year, this position assists the President with their duties. President next year will be Erica Johnson, Tanya Thompson will continue on as Secretary. Tracy Boehm will not be continuing on as Treasurer, Christina Underwood has volunteered for this position. Book fair committee will consist of Kriste and Laura again, if anybody wants to help them please feel free. Need somebody for Special Events, Michelle Angus would be willing to co-chair with someone. Conference Meals, Tracy may be interested in doing this. School Supplies, Paul is doing this year and Tawnya is going to shadow Paul for next year. Fundraiser, Tanya will be in charge of this committee. Still need the following committees filled: Box Tops, Parent Helpers, Yearbook, Play, and Spirit wear. Will see in the fall if any new faces come to meeting and would be willing to help out.
3. Next meeting will be June 3rd, this will be end of year fun meeting at Spitfire at 7pm.
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
UPDATE JUNE 3rd, 2014
Lori Bateman will be moving this summer and will no longer be able to do the Communications Director next year at Aurora. Tanya Thompson has volunteered to take over this position and Michelle Lemar will now be the PTO secretary for 2014-2015 school year.
Present: Jon Erickson, Michelle Lemar, Kriste Briest Tawnya Follingstad, Michelle Angus, Jolien Schwan, Heidi Fritz, Christina Underwood, Kim Spicer, Carol Zent, Tracy Boehm, Erica Johnson, Lori Bateman and Tanya Thompson.
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from April 2014 and asked for approval of those. Kristie Briest made motion to pass meeting minutes and Erica Johnson seconded that motion, April 2014 meeting minutes have been approved.
Lori gave update on Night of the Arts. It was a huge success. We had Sam’s club, Costco and Walmart all donate some money for the night to help pay for the food. We had lots of leftovers that we didn’t anticipate so the teachers had lunch on us the next day. We charged $2 for night of the arts and then a separate $2 if you wanted to attend the play. We heard lots of great feedback on the night.
We started the month with $14,691.26. We had 5 deposits and 6 expenses for the month leaving us with a balance of $16,685.33. The first grade field trip will be around $516, we haven’t heard back from the 3rd graders and the 4th grade trip to Bismarck will be around $4700. Will need to discuss leftover funds and what to do with them.
1. There is questions about next year’s calendar. The secondary schools will have later starts on some Wednesdays next year but elementary will not, they will start same time every day
2. Looks like Back to School night will be on Thursday August 21st.
3. Thursday May 8th is the 1st grade music programs. Everybody will need to check in at the door for safety measures.
4. The talent show tryouts will be on May 23rd. Games Galore is set up and ready to go for last day of school on May 30th. On the last day of school, will start awards right away then talent show then straight into Games Galore.
5. All medication in the office needs to be picked up or it will be thrown. Lost and found not picked up will be donated on June 5th.
6. Grade 1 is going to the Wapheton Zoo, Grade 2 going to TNT fitness, Grade 3 going to Buffalo State Park and Grade 4 going to Bismarck and Bonanzaville.
7. Registration for school next year will begin on August 11th. Aurora will be very full with around 550 students. There will be 3 1st grade classrooms housed at the Osgood Kindergarten Center, those 1st graders are slated to go to Legacy. Will not be able to take any transfers this year and any overflow students will go to Independence.
8. There is a coat drive going on right now for the Salvation Army, drop any coats off in the office.
9. Carol talked about any money left over at the end of the year, she would like to ask the PTO their help in maybe getting some new playground equipment outside. It would go along with the phy ed curriculum and help kids with upper body strength. Not sure of cost right at this time, she will let us know. Also PTO meets and decides what to do with left over funds, the teachers will be given the forms again this year and they can request funds from the PTO. There was some talk of ipads for the classrooms at one time but this would have to be a district wide thing and it is a much bigger picture than the PTO can provide.
Teacher Appreciation: The official day is today. Monday teachers had snacks, today bottled water, tomorrow breakfast, Thursday will be mints and things and Friday will be sweet treats. Every staff should pick up their $5 gift card from Ronda in the office, this is for Panera. PTO also gave Ronda a gift card and Carol a gift card.
Yearbook: This is finished and just waiting on an insert that we will need to put into the yearbook. Michelle will let us know when she needs help with this.
School Supplies: Paul was not at meeting, Lori will touch base with him.
PTO needs to address left over funds and will be looking over teacher requests for funds at end of the year.
1. Lori talked about a new position for next year on the committee. It could be called the PR position. This position would help alleviate some of the duties of the president. This position would keep up with the Facebook and Twitter. Would help answer emails that come in and do any blogging on PTO page. This was discussed further and will call it the Communications Director. Erica made motion to pass new position and Christina seconded the motion. There will now be a Communications Director on the PTO committee.
2. We need to look at positions for next year. Need a President Elect for next year, this position assists the President with their duties. President next year will be Erica Johnson, Tanya Thompson will continue on as Secretary. Tracy Boehm will not be continuing on as Treasurer, Christina Underwood has volunteered for this position. Book fair committee will consist of Kriste and Laura again, if anybody wants to help them please feel free. Need somebody for Special Events, Michelle Angus would be willing to co-chair with someone. Conference Meals, Tracy may be interested in doing this. School Supplies, Paul is doing this year and Tawnya is going to shadow Paul for next year. Fundraiser, Tanya will be in charge of this committee. Still need the following committees filled: Box Tops, Parent Helpers, Yearbook, Play, and Spirit wear. Will see in the fall if any new faces come to meeting and would be willing to help out.
3. Next meeting will be June 3rd, this will be end of year fun meeting at Spitfire at 7pm.
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
UPDATE JUNE 3rd, 2014
Lori Bateman will be moving this summer and will no longer be able to do the Communications Director next year at Aurora. Tanya Thompson has volunteered to take over this position and Michelle Lemar will now be the PTO secretary for 2014-2015 school year.
Aurora PTO Meeting Minutes April 1, 2014
Present: Wendy Halverson, Jolien Schwan, Laura Hjelseth, Kristie Briest, Christina Underwood, Tammy Helweg, Michelle Lemar, Maidie Gruden, Susan Duffy, Michelle Angus, Mike Metcalf, Heather Tiedeman, Mariah Loos, Jess Hanson, Andrea Chaney, Nikki Buerkley, Jon Erickson, Tanya Thompson, Tracy Boehm, Erica Johnson and Lori Bateman
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from March 2014 and asked for approval of those. Kristie Briest made motion to pass meeting minutes and Christina Underwood seconded that motion, March 2014 meeting minutes have been approved.
1. Lori gave update on school boundary issues and school board vote. The school board will vote on April 14th on whether Aurora 5th graders will be at Aurora next year or move to Liberty Middle School. Any support would be greatly appreciated, would really like to see the 5th graders back at Aurora next year.
2. Lori gave update on conference meals, the first night was great when we did potluck and teachers said it was excellent. The second night was gross to say the least, Old Chicago provided spaghetti and breadsticks, there were hardly any breadsticks and the spaghetti was dry, had very little sauce on it and looked like they just put tomato sauce on it. Will not get Old Chicago again for conference meals. Lori ended up ordering some pizzas for the teachers to enjoy.
3. The book fair was another great success, a big thanks to Kristie Briest and Laura Hjelseth that co-chair this event. We had $7200 in cash, check and credit cards. We were under the $8000 to qualify for bigger book fair, but might be a good thing since we don’t have the room for a bigger book fair. A big thank you to all who help volunteer for the book fair.
We started the month with $4,864.75. We had 3 deposits and 4 expenses from 3-4-14 until 4-1-14. Leaving us with a balance of $14,691.26. May is a busy month with expenses for Teacher Appreciation, Night of the Arts, and field trips. Field trips we have budgeted $3000, the 4th grade trip to Bismarck we have budgeted $4600 and the school play $2000. Not exactly sure at this point how much the Night of the Arts will be at this time?
1. Mrs. Zent is on vacation, no report this month
1. Book Fair Committee: Already talked about the book fair and this committee is done for the year.
2. Yearbook: Order forms were sent home today, cost is $14 for book. There will be room at the end of the book to include the Night of the Arts and play pictures.
3. School Supplies: Paul will be in charge of this again this year but will be his last year. It is a very easy committee and most of the work is done in July and August, Paul would like somebody to job shadow him this year so they will know how it’s done for the following year, so if anybody is interested let us know. Tracy reminded Paul that we do need to pay tax on school supplies, Paul will get lists and gather all the information and at meeting in May will let us know a price for the supplies. Paul also looking at some other options besides the Hornbacher’s bags since they break so easily.
1. Lori talked about Night of the Arts and what it will look like. It will be Thursday May 1st, 2014. We will have stations for the kids to do art projects and will have an art gallery in the library. Mrs. Ray is looking at having some ballroom dancers come in. Will be having some outside people setting up some booths like Elevate rock school and dance studios. Mrs. Berger will be doing a poetry station. We are looking at doing a dinner for the night and need to figure out a price to charge. Lori can get Sodexo to cater it but would need to charge $5/$7 a person to cover this. The committee agreed that might be too much to charge. The committee voted and agreed to $4 a person to cover the meal. Lori will explore some other options for food such at Sam’s Club or Costco.
2. The committee discussed some options of what to do with any money left over at the end of the year. Lots of good input from the teachers on things they need. The PTO committee will need to focus on all the other expenses for the year first and then see at the end of the year how much we will be able to spend down.
1. Next meeting will be Tuesday May 6th, 2014.
2. Door prizes were drawn.
3. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
Present: Wendy Halverson, Jolien Schwan, Laura Hjelseth, Kristie Briest, Christina Underwood, Tammy Helweg, Michelle Lemar, Maidie Gruden, Susan Duffy, Michelle Angus, Mike Metcalf, Heather Tiedeman, Mariah Loos, Jess Hanson, Andrea Chaney, Nikki Buerkley, Jon Erickson, Tanya Thompson, Tracy Boehm, Erica Johnson and Lori Bateman
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from March 2014 and asked for approval of those. Kristie Briest made motion to pass meeting minutes and Christina Underwood seconded that motion, March 2014 meeting minutes have been approved.
1. Lori gave update on school boundary issues and school board vote. The school board will vote on April 14th on whether Aurora 5th graders will be at Aurora next year or move to Liberty Middle School. Any support would be greatly appreciated, would really like to see the 5th graders back at Aurora next year.
2. Lori gave update on conference meals, the first night was great when we did potluck and teachers said it was excellent. The second night was gross to say the least, Old Chicago provided spaghetti and breadsticks, there were hardly any breadsticks and the spaghetti was dry, had very little sauce on it and looked like they just put tomato sauce on it. Will not get Old Chicago again for conference meals. Lori ended up ordering some pizzas for the teachers to enjoy.
3. The book fair was another great success, a big thanks to Kristie Briest and Laura Hjelseth that co-chair this event. We had $7200 in cash, check and credit cards. We were under the $8000 to qualify for bigger book fair, but might be a good thing since we don’t have the room for a bigger book fair. A big thank you to all who help volunteer for the book fair.
We started the month with $4,864.75. We had 3 deposits and 4 expenses from 3-4-14 until 4-1-14. Leaving us with a balance of $14,691.26. May is a busy month with expenses for Teacher Appreciation, Night of the Arts, and field trips. Field trips we have budgeted $3000, the 4th grade trip to Bismarck we have budgeted $4600 and the school play $2000. Not exactly sure at this point how much the Night of the Arts will be at this time?
1. Mrs. Zent is on vacation, no report this month
1. Book Fair Committee: Already talked about the book fair and this committee is done for the year.
2. Yearbook: Order forms were sent home today, cost is $14 for book. There will be room at the end of the book to include the Night of the Arts and play pictures.
3. School Supplies: Paul will be in charge of this again this year but will be his last year. It is a very easy committee and most of the work is done in July and August, Paul would like somebody to job shadow him this year so they will know how it’s done for the following year, so if anybody is interested let us know. Tracy reminded Paul that we do need to pay tax on school supplies, Paul will get lists and gather all the information and at meeting in May will let us know a price for the supplies. Paul also looking at some other options besides the Hornbacher’s bags since they break so easily.
1. Lori talked about Night of the Arts and what it will look like. It will be Thursday May 1st, 2014. We will have stations for the kids to do art projects and will have an art gallery in the library. Mrs. Ray is looking at having some ballroom dancers come in. Will be having some outside people setting up some booths like Elevate rock school and dance studios. Mrs. Berger will be doing a poetry station. We are looking at doing a dinner for the night and need to figure out a price to charge. Lori can get Sodexo to cater it but would need to charge $5/$7 a person to cover this. The committee agreed that might be too much to charge. The committee voted and agreed to $4 a person to cover the meal. Lori will explore some other options for food such at Sam’s Club or Costco.
2. The committee discussed some options of what to do with any money left over at the end of the year. Lots of good input from the teachers on things they need. The PTO committee will need to focus on all the other expenses for the year first and then see at the end of the year how much we will be able to spend down.
1. Next meeting will be Tuesday May 6th, 2014.
2. Door prizes were drawn.
3. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
Aurora PTO Meeting Minutes March 4th, 2014
Present: Wendy Halverson, Jolien Schwan, Laura Hjelseth, Kristie Briest, Christina Underwood, Tammy Helweg, Michelle Lemar, Maidie Gruden, Susan Duffy, Michelle Angus, Tanya Thompson, Carol Zent, Tracy Boehm, Erica Johnson and Lori Bateman
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from February 2014 and asked for approval of those. Erica Johnson made motion to pass meeting minutes and Jolien Schwan seconded that motion, February 2014 meeting minutes have been approved.
1. Lori had copies of the school play rehearsal times. The play and night of the arts will be May 1st, 2014. The auditions for the play will be March 17th. Once the auditions are over and the cast is set the director will make a new schedule so that not all students will have to be at rehearsal every day. There will be a parent informational meeting on March 26th for parents of the students that will be in the play.
2. Lori gave on update on the purchase of snow shoes for the phy ed curriculum. This new program will become part of the phy ed curriculum at Aurora. The PTO had to front $750 for the purchase of the snowshoes but we will get back $500 of that back so the total purchase for snow shoes will only be $250. They have been ordered and should be here any day.
We started the month with $16,075.01. We had 2 deposits and 5 expenses from 2-3-14 until 3-4-14. Leaving us with a month end balance of $14,864.75. It was noted one of the deposits was from Great American Fundraising for $770, which was 2% of our sales back from the fundraiser this year. Tracy has already paid out the $1200 for Games Galore for the end of year party on May 30th, 2014. Lori had talked with games galore and they needed to do some swapping of some of the inflatables but we will be getting some good stuff and they are throwing in one for free.
1. The 4th graders will be going on a field trip this Thursday to an agricultural expo at the fairgrounds.
2. Mrs. Zent gave update on boundary committee meetings going on, school board meets next week Monday March 10th to go over options and vote.
1. Book Fair Committee: Everything is on track to be delivered this Friday for set up. The classrooms will do walk through on Monday. Need some helpers for set up on Friday. Will have the cactus lollipop tree and the fiesta bean jar count, whoever gets closest to how many beans will win the Fiesta basket. Laura was wondering about doing a special day for the book fair and students could come and bring someone special with them. We will do this on March 13th after school. Still need some volunteers to help out on March 11th and March 18th, running the cash register and sorting and straightening books during the book fair. Also will be doing classroom readers on March 19th from 8:20-11:20. Please watch for doodle polls and if you can help with anything please sign up, it is greatly appreciated. Laura mentioned that the book fair rep stated if we have another book fair over $8000, next year we will automatically be bumped up to the next level next year and get better products and more books.
2. Box Tops and Parent Helper Committee: No updates at this time.
3. Yearbook: Michelle just mentioned the yearbooks are currently being worked on, no more updates at this time.
4. Conference Meals: Erica talked about the conferences coming up. On March 18th, Old Chicago will be donating the meals this night, will also have Mrs. Fields cookies for this night. On March 11th we are looking at doing soups in crockpots and desserts for the staff. Breadsmith is donating rolls this night. Watch for doodle poll and if you are able to donate any soups or desserts it would be greatly appreciated. A huge thank you to the businesses that donate to Aurora.
1. Lori mentioned that paraprofessional day is coming up on April 2nd, just wondering if we should do something on this day for them. There are around 95 supports staff at Aurora but only 15 of them are paraprofessionals. The PTO decided we will recognize all support staff and teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.
2. Erica was wondering about payment for the gal that does our daycare at Aurora during the PTO meetings. The PTO voted to give her $200 to spend at the book fair to help stock her own classroom with reading material. Erica made motion to pass and Tammy seconded that motion. It was approved to give her $200 towards books.
1. Next meeting will be Tuesday April 1st, 2014.
2. Door prizes were drawn.
3. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
Present: Wendy Halverson, Jolien Schwan, Laura Hjelseth, Kristie Briest, Christina Underwood, Tammy Helweg, Michelle Lemar, Maidie Gruden, Susan Duffy, Michelle Angus, Tanya Thompson, Carol Zent, Tracy Boehm, Erica Johnson and Lori Bateman
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from February 2014 and asked for approval of those. Erica Johnson made motion to pass meeting minutes and Jolien Schwan seconded that motion, February 2014 meeting minutes have been approved.
1. Lori had copies of the school play rehearsal times. The play and night of the arts will be May 1st, 2014. The auditions for the play will be March 17th. Once the auditions are over and the cast is set the director will make a new schedule so that not all students will have to be at rehearsal every day. There will be a parent informational meeting on March 26th for parents of the students that will be in the play.
2. Lori gave on update on the purchase of snow shoes for the phy ed curriculum. This new program will become part of the phy ed curriculum at Aurora. The PTO had to front $750 for the purchase of the snowshoes but we will get back $500 of that back so the total purchase for snow shoes will only be $250. They have been ordered and should be here any day.
We started the month with $16,075.01. We had 2 deposits and 5 expenses from 2-3-14 until 3-4-14. Leaving us with a month end balance of $14,864.75. It was noted one of the deposits was from Great American Fundraising for $770, which was 2% of our sales back from the fundraiser this year. Tracy has already paid out the $1200 for Games Galore for the end of year party on May 30th, 2014. Lori had talked with games galore and they needed to do some swapping of some of the inflatables but we will be getting some good stuff and they are throwing in one for free.
1. The 4th graders will be going on a field trip this Thursday to an agricultural expo at the fairgrounds.
2. Mrs. Zent gave update on boundary committee meetings going on, school board meets next week Monday March 10th to go over options and vote.
1. Book Fair Committee: Everything is on track to be delivered this Friday for set up. The classrooms will do walk through on Monday. Need some helpers for set up on Friday. Will have the cactus lollipop tree and the fiesta bean jar count, whoever gets closest to how many beans will win the Fiesta basket. Laura was wondering about doing a special day for the book fair and students could come and bring someone special with them. We will do this on March 13th after school. Still need some volunteers to help out on March 11th and March 18th, running the cash register and sorting and straightening books during the book fair. Also will be doing classroom readers on March 19th from 8:20-11:20. Please watch for doodle polls and if you can help with anything please sign up, it is greatly appreciated. Laura mentioned that the book fair rep stated if we have another book fair over $8000, next year we will automatically be bumped up to the next level next year and get better products and more books.
2. Box Tops and Parent Helper Committee: No updates at this time.
3. Yearbook: Michelle just mentioned the yearbooks are currently being worked on, no more updates at this time.
4. Conference Meals: Erica talked about the conferences coming up. On March 18th, Old Chicago will be donating the meals this night, will also have Mrs. Fields cookies for this night. On March 11th we are looking at doing soups in crockpots and desserts for the staff. Breadsmith is donating rolls this night. Watch for doodle poll and if you are able to donate any soups or desserts it would be greatly appreciated. A huge thank you to the businesses that donate to Aurora.
1. Lori mentioned that paraprofessional day is coming up on April 2nd, just wondering if we should do something on this day for them. There are around 95 supports staff at Aurora but only 15 of them are paraprofessionals. The PTO decided we will recognize all support staff and teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.
2. Erica was wondering about payment for the gal that does our daycare at Aurora during the PTO meetings. The PTO voted to give her $200 to spend at the book fair to help stock her own classroom with reading material. Erica made motion to pass and Tammy seconded that motion. It was approved to give her $200 towards books.
1. Next meeting will be Tuesday April 1st, 2014.
2. Door prizes were drawn.
3. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
Aurora PTO Meeting Minutes February 4th, 2014
Present: Kristie Briest, Michelle Angus, Christina Underwood, Tracy Boehm, Erica Johnson, Tanya Thompson, Lori Bateman, Maidie Grudem, Ashley Shannon, Liz Anderson, Deb Boyer, Laura Hjelseth, Tawnya Follingstad, Michelle Lemar and Heidi Fritz.
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from January 2014 and asked for approval of those. Kristie Briest made motion to pass meeting minutes and Erica Johnson seconded that motion. January 2014 meeting minutes have been approved.
1. Mrs. Bjornson is doing battle of the books this year with the kids, as of yesterday there were 31 students. This year they will be doing battle of the books just at Aurora, it will be held on Friday March 28th. Mrs. Bjornson will need some volunteers that day to help out, most likely from 9:30am until noon, Lori will send out a doodle poll for this. Mrs. Bjornson would like to get all the kids a t-shirt, like PTO has done in the past and also will need about $100 for prizes. So looking at around $380 from PTO. Michelle made motion to pass and Laura seconded that motion. PTO will pay for t-shirts and prizes for battle of the books.
2. Lori talked about the Night of the Arts, it looks like it will be held May 1st, 2014. The director will be same as last year, he could not make it tonight. Looking at auditions being second week of March and then rehearse through April. The name of the play will be Jack and the 3 sillies. The budget last year was $1613.75. The PTO decided to go ahead and vote on this budget for this year. Erica made motion to pass and Tawyna seconded that motion. The play budget is passed.
3. Lori is happy to report the climbing wall is up and ready to start being used this week. Parents please be sure you have signed consents for students to use the climbing wall.
4. End of the year and games galore will now be on Friday May 30th, 2014. The budget of $1200 is the same as last year.
We started the month with $16,283.81. We had 1 deposit and 3 expenses from January 6th to February 3rd, 2014. Leaving us with a month end balance of $16,075.01. The box top deposit was just fantastic, they do add up so please save those box tops.
1. The hundred day of school is tomorrow so of course there will be Sandy’s donuts delivered for all students. PTO will cover this cost as always.
2. Casual pictures will be February 19th, 2014. There will be no make up for casual pictures.
3. There is pre-registration going on right now for school next year. If you know anybody that has a child ready to start kindergarten please get the word out that registration is happening right now.
4. We are still off of school on February 17th and February 18th. Those are not make up days as of yet.
5. A big shout out to Mrs. Boyer as it is National Counselor Week.
6. The 4th grade is going to the symphony this week.
1. Book Fair Committee: The book fair will be March 11th and March 18th, it will be delivered that Friday before, March 7th will need to set up. Will be fiesta theme and March is reading month so will go hand and hand. Will again have parents going into classrooms to read to the classes. Will again do raffle for parents attending conferences. Also may look at doing a lollipop cactus tree, students pull a lollipop and have chance of winning free book. Have 10 sombreros coming for people to wear while working the book fair.
2. Box Tops and Parent Helper Committee: Jenn was not at meeting so don’t know yet the winner of January 2014 box top contest.
3. Yearbook: Michelle mentioned the rough draft for yearbook is due March 17th, flash drives should be flooding the PTO mailbox soon from the teachers. The 4th graders are doing a contest for their artwork to be displayed on the front and back cover of the yearbook.
4. Fundraiser: Tanya gave PTO check from Great American Fundraising for $770, this was 2% of our sales that we got back to help pay for the games galore on the last day of school. Tanya will look at sales and get bracelets for those students who sold over 25 items so they can go to the front of the line when doing games galore. Great American Fundraising would really like to be our fundraiser next year. Tanya will definitely run the fundraiser next year, we have all the kinks worked out with the duck issues, although next year it will be monkeys or penguins. Last year the PTO had a few people come in and present so we could vote on fundraiser for this year. The choices last year were, Clubs Choice, The Chip Shoppe, Integrity and Great American Fundraising. Tanya asked the PTO if anybody is interested in having people come present this year or if we are ok going with Great American Fundraising. This year the PTO made the most money with Great American. The PTO agreed it went well and to give Great American Fundraising another shot. Christina made motion and Kristie seconded that motion. This has now passed and Great American Fundraising will do the fundraiser at Aurora next year. They have also agreed to come on back to school night and hand out cookie samples like last year, so as soon as we know this date Tanya will let them know.
1. Mrs. Boyer would like to commend Lori on her PTO blog about filling the bucket. Also Mrs. Boyer mentioned the kids are really enjoying the rainbow loom PTO had purchased for her. Mrs. Boyer saw a great concept and thought it would be awesome to have at Aurora. It is called the buddy bench. If somebody does not have somebody to play with at recess they can go sit on the buddy bench. Mrs. Boyer would like to stencil the bench we already have out there and the star leaders will work to put some pavers in by the bench, will need about $80 for this project but the star leaders still have some money in their budget to cover this. Mrs. Boyer will be putting in the newsletter about a new curriculum called second step, she will list how to get on the website so people can check out this new curriculum
1. Next meeting will be Tuesday March 4th, 2014.
2. Door prizes were drawn.
3. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
Present: Kristie Briest, Michelle Angus, Christina Underwood, Tracy Boehm, Erica Johnson, Tanya Thompson, Lori Bateman, Maidie Grudem, Ashley Shannon, Liz Anderson, Deb Boyer, Laura Hjelseth, Tawnya Follingstad, Michelle Lemar and Heidi Fritz.
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from January 2014 and asked for approval of those. Kristie Briest made motion to pass meeting minutes and Erica Johnson seconded that motion. January 2014 meeting minutes have been approved.
1. Mrs. Bjornson is doing battle of the books this year with the kids, as of yesterday there were 31 students. This year they will be doing battle of the books just at Aurora, it will be held on Friday March 28th. Mrs. Bjornson will need some volunteers that day to help out, most likely from 9:30am until noon, Lori will send out a doodle poll for this. Mrs. Bjornson would like to get all the kids a t-shirt, like PTO has done in the past and also will need about $100 for prizes. So looking at around $380 from PTO. Michelle made motion to pass and Laura seconded that motion. PTO will pay for t-shirts and prizes for battle of the books.
2. Lori talked about the Night of the Arts, it looks like it will be held May 1st, 2014. The director will be same as last year, he could not make it tonight. Looking at auditions being second week of March and then rehearse through April. The name of the play will be Jack and the 3 sillies. The budget last year was $1613.75. The PTO decided to go ahead and vote on this budget for this year. Erica made motion to pass and Tawyna seconded that motion. The play budget is passed.
3. Lori is happy to report the climbing wall is up and ready to start being used this week. Parents please be sure you have signed consents for students to use the climbing wall.
4. End of the year and games galore will now be on Friday May 30th, 2014. The budget of $1200 is the same as last year.
We started the month with $16,283.81. We had 1 deposit and 3 expenses from January 6th to February 3rd, 2014. Leaving us with a month end balance of $16,075.01. The box top deposit was just fantastic, they do add up so please save those box tops.
1. The hundred day of school is tomorrow so of course there will be Sandy’s donuts delivered for all students. PTO will cover this cost as always.
2. Casual pictures will be February 19th, 2014. There will be no make up for casual pictures.
3. There is pre-registration going on right now for school next year. If you know anybody that has a child ready to start kindergarten please get the word out that registration is happening right now.
4. We are still off of school on February 17th and February 18th. Those are not make up days as of yet.
5. A big shout out to Mrs. Boyer as it is National Counselor Week.
6. The 4th grade is going to the symphony this week.
1. Book Fair Committee: The book fair will be March 11th and March 18th, it will be delivered that Friday before, March 7th will need to set up. Will be fiesta theme and March is reading month so will go hand and hand. Will again have parents going into classrooms to read to the classes. Will again do raffle for parents attending conferences. Also may look at doing a lollipop cactus tree, students pull a lollipop and have chance of winning free book. Have 10 sombreros coming for people to wear while working the book fair.
2. Box Tops and Parent Helper Committee: Jenn was not at meeting so don’t know yet the winner of January 2014 box top contest.
3. Yearbook: Michelle mentioned the rough draft for yearbook is due March 17th, flash drives should be flooding the PTO mailbox soon from the teachers. The 4th graders are doing a contest for their artwork to be displayed on the front and back cover of the yearbook.
4. Fundraiser: Tanya gave PTO check from Great American Fundraising for $770, this was 2% of our sales that we got back to help pay for the games galore on the last day of school. Tanya will look at sales and get bracelets for those students who sold over 25 items so they can go to the front of the line when doing games galore. Great American Fundraising would really like to be our fundraiser next year. Tanya will definitely run the fundraiser next year, we have all the kinks worked out with the duck issues, although next year it will be monkeys or penguins. Last year the PTO had a few people come in and present so we could vote on fundraiser for this year. The choices last year were, Clubs Choice, The Chip Shoppe, Integrity and Great American Fundraising. Tanya asked the PTO if anybody is interested in having people come present this year or if we are ok going with Great American Fundraising. This year the PTO made the most money with Great American. The PTO agreed it went well and to give Great American Fundraising another shot. Christina made motion and Kristie seconded that motion. This has now passed and Great American Fundraising will do the fundraiser at Aurora next year. They have also agreed to come on back to school night and hand out cookie samples like last year, so as soon as we know this date Tanya will let them know.
1. Mrs. Boyer would like to commend Lori on her PTO blog about filling the bucket. Also Mrs. Boyer mentioned the kids are really enjoying the rainbow loom PTO had purchased for her. Mrs. Boyer saw a great concept and thought it would be awesome to have at Aurora. It is called the buddy bench. If somebody does not have somebody to play with at recess they can go sit on the buddy bench. Mrs. Boyer would like to stencil the bench we already have out there and the star leaders will work to put some pavers in by the bench, will need about $80 for this project but the star leaders still have some money in their budget to cover this. Mrs. Boyer will be putting in the newsletter about a new curriculum called second step, she will list how to get on the website so people can check out this new curriculum
1. Next meeting will be Tuesday March 4th, 2014.
2. Door prizes were drawn.
3. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
Aurora PTO Meeting Minutes January 7th, 2014
Present: Wendy Halverson, Michelle Lemar, Kristie Briest, Laura Hjelseth, Deb Boyer, Heidi Fritz,, Tracy Boehm, Lori Bateman, Tanya Thompson, Carol Zent and Erica Johnson.
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from November 2013 and asked for approval of those. Kristie Briest made motion to pass meeting minutes and Tracy Boehm seconded that motion. November 2013 meeting minutes have been approved.
1.Lori updated everybody on Family Science Night . It was a huge success, only spent about $100 on the whole thing, the kids had a blast and have heard lots of postitives on this night.
2. American Education Week has come and gone, the PTO spent about $25 per classroom and purchased games for all the classrooms. We also did a dessert bar on one of the days to thank everybody at Aurora.
3. Lori is happy to report the grant from the YMCA was approved for the climbing wall, so PTO does not have to pay for this. The grant does not pay for installation of the wall and Mrs. Zent is trying to find somebody to install the wall. The PTO went ahead and approved paying for the installation of the wall as soon as Mrs. Zent finds somebody. The wall is already at Aurora and just waiting to be put up.
4. Tae Kwon Do was a big hit for intramurals, 37 kids in first class and 33 kids in the second class.
We started the month with $16,123.49. We had 6 deposits and 9 expenses from November to end of December. Leaving us with a month end balance of $16,283.81.
1. The winter recess guidelines are going into the newsletter again this week. These are the guidelines that all schools will be following to know when to send the kids out for recess and when it is too cold to go outside.
2. The plea for any winter gear donation really helped the students out who were missing some cold weather attire.
3. Mrs. Zent brought a price quote for Bismarck trip and wanted to ask PTO for approval to move the Bismarck trip down to the 4th grade level instead of 5th grade. With 5th grade not being in the building this year this would be the time to switch it, also the Bismarck trip would fit in better with the 4th grade curriculum. The total for trip would be $4,660 approximate, Erica made motion to pass and Kristie seconded the motion so the Bismarck trip has been approved and 4th graders will be going this year.
4. Currently doing Aims Webb testing for 1st graders, a team comes in and test the kids in reading and is just used as a checkpoint for teachers. It is not done for 2-5 graders, the teachers do their own assessing.
5. April 21st will now be a student contact day to make up for the storm on Monday.
1. Book Fair Committee: The book fair will be March 11th and March 18th, same nights as conferences. The theme this time will be fiesta. Laura and Kristie will keep us posted as it gets closer.
2. Box Tops and Parent Helper Committee: Jenn was not at meeting so Lori mentioned we just received a check for $1200 for box tops so please keep saving those box tops it adds up. January is box top contest and classroom with most box tops turned in will have a party.
3.Yearbook: Michelle would like to know if anybody is interested in helping out to get a hold of her, she would like to meet this month.
1. Lori mentioned she is starting to work on the Night of the Arts, she has sent out emails asking for directors but has not heard anything back at this time.
1. It was mentioned by a staff asking if we could have the kids each get a reuseable bag for all their winter gear so it will be in one spot and not get lost. The PTO will not be involved with this, if kids bring them great but if not that is fine. Lori will send out blog reminding parents to label winter gear so easier to match up with person when they lose something.
2.Deb Boyer will be sending out an eval to parents on the Nuture Heart Program.
3. Door prizes were drawn. A huge thank you for coming tonight to the meeting.
4. Next meeting will be Tuesday February 4th, 2014.
5. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
Present: Wendy Halverson, Michelle Lemar, Kristie Briest, Laura Hjelseth, Deb Boyer, Heidi Fritz,, Tracy Boehm, Lori Bateman, Tanya Thompson, Carol Zent and Erica Johnson.
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from November 2013 and asked for approval of those. Kristie Briest made motion to pass meeting minutes and Tracy Boehm seconded that motion. November 2013 meeting minutes have been approved.
1.Lori updated everybody on Family Science Night . It was a huge success, only spent about $100 on the whole thing, the kids had a blast and have heard lots of postitives on this night.
2. American Education Week has come and gone, the PTO spent about $25 per classroom and purchased games for all the classrooms. We also did a dessert bar on one of the days to thank everybody at Aurora.
3. Lori is happy to report the grant from the YMCA was approved for the climbing wall, so PTO does not have to pay for this. The grant does not pay for installation of the wall and Mrs. Zent is trying to find somebody to install the wall. The PTO went ahead and approved paying for the installation of the wall as soon as Mrs. Zent finds somebody. The wall is already at Aurora and just waiting to be put up.
4. Tae Kwon Do was a big hit for intramurals, 37 kids in first class and 33 kids in the second class.
We started the month with $16,123.49. We had 6 deposits and 9 expenses from November to end of December. Leaving us with a month end balance of $16,283.81.
1. The winter recess guidelines are going into the newsletter again this week. These are the guidelines that all schools will be following to know when to send the kids out for recess and when it is too cold to go outside.
2. The plea for any winter gear donation really helped the students out who were missing some cold weather attire.
3. Mrs. Zent brought a price quote for Bismarck trip and wanted to ask PTO for approval to move the Bismarck trip down to the 4th grade level instead of 5th grade. With 5th grade not being in the building this year this would be the time to switch it, also the Bismarck trip would fit in better with the 4th grade curriculum. The total for trip would be $4,660 approximate, Erica made motion to pass and Kristie seconded the motion so the Bismarck trip has been approved and 4th graders will be going this year.
4. Currently doing Aims Webb testing for 1st graders, a team comes in and test the kids in reading and is just used as a checkpoint for teachers. It is not done for 2-5 graders, the teachers do their own assessing.
5. April 21st will now be a student contact day to make up for the storm on Monday.
1. Book Fair Committee: The book fair will be March 11th and March 18th, same nights as conferences. The theme this time will be fiesta. Laura and Kristie will keep us posted as it gets closer.
2. Box Tops and Parent Helper Committee: Jenn was not at meeting so Lori mentioned we just received a check for $1200 for box tops so please keep saving those box tops it adds up. January is box top contest and classroom with most box tops turned in will have a party.
3.Yearbook: Michelle would like to know if anybody is interested in helping out to get a hold of her, she would like to meet this month.
1. Lori mentioned she is starting to work on the Night of the Arts, she has sent out emails asking for directors but has not heard anything back at this time.
1. It was mentioned by a staff asking if we could have the kids each get a reuseable bag for all their winter gear so it will be in one spot and not get lost. The PTO will not be involved with this, if kids bring them great but if not that is fine. Lori will send out blog reminding parents to label winter gear so easier to match up with person when they lose something.
2.Deb Boyer will be sending out an eval to parents on the Nuture Heart Program.
3. Door prizes were drawn. A huge thank you for coming tonight to the meeting.
4. Next meeting will be Tuesday February 4th, 2014.
5. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
December 2013 PTO Meeting was canceled due to weather.
Aurora PTO Meeting Minutes November 2013
Present: Brandy Peterson, Tracy Boehm, Lori Bateman, Tanya Thompson, Brandie Sorenson, Kriste Briest, Jolien Schwan, Heidi Fritz, Susan Duffy, Jessica Kliem, Wendy Halverson, Tammy Helweg, Carol Zent, Erica Johnson and Mrs. Berger, repsresenting the 3rd grade teachers.
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from October and asked for approval of those. Erica Johnson made motion to pass meeting minutes and Brandie Sorenson seconded that motion. October 2013 meeting minutes have been approved.
1. Lori turned it over to Tanya Thompson to give final numbers on fundraiser. The fundraiser was a huge success, a big thank you to all parents and students for participating. This year so far the PTO has made $15,472.55 with a few more profit checks still coming in. This year we had less students and made the most money. Tanya provided a quick chart to look at. There are definately some changes we could make for next year if we go with Great American again. Next year will be monkeys or penguins instead of ducks. Out of 262 orders there were only 2 people that received the wrong kind of cookie dough, which was easily fixed, they were allowed to keep the wrong cookie dough and the right one was shipped right to their door within 2 weeks. Great American is still trying to get the band Spencers Own to commit to coming to Fargo, if they do there will be a cost to PTO to have them come put on a concert for the students. You can check them out on Youtube. Looks like we will get about $740 dollars back to help pay for the inflatables on last day of school, we receive 2% of total profit back. The kids that sold 25 items or more will receive VIP wristbands to wear on last day and will get to go to front of line on all inflatables. The online store is still open and will remain open for the remainder of the school year. We can look at maybe sending out a flyer over Thanksgiving just reminding parents it is still open and if they need wrapping paper to order it from there to help benefit PTO. After this will not send out any other reminders as we do not to over do it with the Great American stuff.
2. Lori gave an update on the money for Liberty 5th graders. Freedom Elementary is giving them $750 for field trip or whatever they choose to do with it, so Aurora is matching that amount.
3. This year the flu shot clinic had 125 people receive it at Aurora so Aurora will get a check for $125. This is down from last year so will not have it on a non school day next year.
4. Lori gave update on climbing wall. The YMCA is applying for a pep grant for some of the schools, so this would pay for the climbing wall. We will wait and see if they get this grant before PTO needs to pay for a climbing wall.
We started the month with $2413.74. We had 7 deposits and 4 expenses from this month. Leaving us with a month end balance of $16,123.49. We are still waiting on 2 profit checks from Great American Fundraising.
1. NDSA testing is wrapping up for the 4th graders. This is a state test to check to see who is making adequate yearly progress.
2. Aurora just finished the United Way Weigh in, Mrs Bergers class was one of the winners.
3. The 4th grade music program is this Thursday, November 7th at 8:30am in the gym.
4. Picture retakes are this Friday November 8th.
5. The winter recess guidelines went into last weeks newsletter for parents. As soon as you see snow on the ground, you need to send boots with the kids, they will wear these until it melts.
6. American Education week is coming up November 18th-22nd. Also Fill the Dome is coming up.
1. Book Fair Committee: Kriste gave an update on the book fair. Sales were up by $766, this is the highest book fair ever. There were 22 students choosen to receive free books from the drawing. We are expecting great things for the spring book fair. This year the committee also did Wednesday readers which was a huge hit with the students. Kriste thanked everyone for making this book fair so successful.
2. Box Tops and Parent Helper Committee: Jenn was not at meeting so Lori will touch base with her as she received an email that the 1st grade was wanting some help. Lori did forward this to Jenn so she will just double check on that.
3.Science Night: Susan gave an update on Science Fair that is coming up this Thursday November 7th for all 1st and 2nd graders. It will gave from 5:30-7:30pm. They have lots of wonderful stations planned to do experiments with and will have books to fill in as the students go along. Siblings of students are welcome but will not receive one of the books. The science fair committee is meeting after tonights meeting to wrap things up, looks like they have enough volunteers but they can always use more. There will be pizza delivered at 6pm for $1/slice.
4. Conference Meals: Erica Johnson wanted to say a huge thank you to all parents who helped donate something for conference meals. The teachers loved everything.
1. The Tae Kwon Do intramural will be November 19th, 20th, 21st, 26th, 27th and 28th and then December 3rd, 4th, and 5th, 10th, 11th and 12th.
2. The Skatetime progam will not be happening. The rental of skates is very expensive so will look at other options instead of this program.
1. American Education week is coming up, if you have any ideas please email Lori.
2. We are looking at doing a wish list for xmas for the teachers. Mrs. Berger reminded everyone that not everyone celebrates xmas so would have to present it some other way. Mrs. Zent mentioned maybe we could just tie this in with American Education week. That is what we will do, we will get all teachers some sort of game for each classroom for American Education week.
3. Lori will start looking at the play for spring time and was wondering if anybody had any connections for a director or should she just start with last years director. Lori will email him and see if he is interested or knows anybody that would be.
4. Door prizes were drawn. A huge thank you for coming tonight to the meeting.
5. Next meeting will be Tuesday December 3rd, 2013.
6. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
Present: Brandy Peterson, Tracy Boehm, Lori Bateman, Tanya Thompson, Brandie Sorenson, Kriste Briest, Jolien Schwan, Heidi Fritz, Susan Duffy, Jessica Kliem, Wendy Halverson, Tammy Helweg, Carol Zent, Erica Johnson and Mrs. Berger, repsresenting the 3rd grade teachers.
Lori asked if everybody had read meeting minutes from October and asked for approval of those. Erica Johnson made motion to pass meeting minutes and Brandie Sorenson seconded that motion. October 2013 meeting minutes have been approved.
1. Lori turned it over to Tanya Thompson to give final numbers on fundraiser. The fundraiser was a huge success, a big thank you to all parents and students for participating. This year so far the PTO has made $15,472.55 with a few more profit checks still coming in. This year we had less students and made the most money. Tanya provided a quick chart to look at. There are definately some changes we could make for next year if we go with Great American again. Next year will be monkeys or penguins instead of ducks. Out of 262 orders there were only 2 people that received the wrong kind of cookie dough, which was easily fixed, they were allowed to keep the wrong cookie dough and the right one was shipped right to their door within 2 weeks. Great American is still trying to get the band Spencers Own to commit to coming to Fargo, if they do there will be a cost to PTO to have them come put on a concert for the students. You can check them out on Youtube. Looks like we will get about $740 dollars back to help pay for the inflatables on last day of school, we receive 2% of total profit back. The kids that sold 25 items or more will receive VIP wristbands to wear on last day and will get to go to front of line on all inflatables. The online store is still open and will remain open for the remainder of the school year. We can look at maybe sending out a flyer over Thanksgiving just reminding parents it is still open and if they need wrapping paper to order it from there to help benefit PTO. After this will not send out any other reminders as we do not to over do it with the Great American stuff.
2. Lori gave an update on the money for Liberty 5th graders. Freedom Elementary is giving them $750 for field trip or whatever they choose to do with it, so Aurora is matching that amount.
3. This year the flu shot clinic had 125 people receive it at Aurora so Aurora will get a check for $125. This is down from last year so will not have it on a non school day next year.
4. Lori gave update on climbing wall. The YMCA is applying for a pep grant for some of the schools, so this would pay for the climbing wall. We will wait and see if they get this grant before PTO needs to pay for a climbing wall.
We started the month with $2413.74. We had 7 deposits and 4 expenses from this month. Leaving us with a month end balance of $16,123.49. We are still waiting on 2 profit checks from Great American Fundraising.
1. NDSA testing is wrapping up for the 4th graders. This is a state test to check to see who is making adequate yearly progress.
2. Aurora just finished the United Way Weigh in, Mrs Bergers class was one of the winners.
3. The 4th grade music program is this Thursday, November 7th at 8:30am in the gym.
4. Picture retakes are this Friday November 8th.
5. The winter recess guidelines went into last weeks newsletter for parents. As soon as you see snow on the ground, you need to send boots with the kids, they will wear these until it melts.
6. American Education week is coming up November 18th-22nd. Also Fill the Dome is coming up.
1. Book Fair Committee: Kriste gave an update on the book fair. Sales were up by $766, this is the highest book fair ever. There were 22 students choosen to receive free books from the drawing. We are expecting great things for the spring book fair. This year the committee also did Wednesday readers which was a huge hit with the students. Kriste thanked everyone for making this book fair so successful.
2. Box Tops and Parent Helper Committee: Jenn was not at meeting so Lori will touch base with her as she received an email that the 1st grade was wanting some help. Lori did forward this to Jenn so she will just double check on that.
3.Science Night: Susan gave an update on Science Fair that is coming up this Thursday November 7th for all 1st and 2nd graders. It will gave from 5:30-7:30pm. They have lots of wonderful stations planned to do experiments with and will have books to fill in as the students go along. Siblings of students are welcome but will not receive one of the books. The science fair committee is meeting after tonights meeting to wrap things up, looks like they have enough volunteers but they can always use more. There will be pizza delivered at 6pm for $1/slice.
4. Conference Meals: Erica Johnson wanted to say a huge thank you to all parents who helped donate something for conference meals. The teachers loved everything.
1. The Tae Kwon Do intramural will be November 19th, 20th, 21st, 26th, 27th and 28th and then December 3rd, 4th, and 5th, 10th, 11th and 12th.
2. The Skatetime progam will not be happening. The rental of skates is very expensive so will look at other options instead of this program.
1. American Education week is coming up, if you have any ideas please email Lori.
2. We are looking at doing a wish list for xmas for the teachers. Mrs. Berger reminded everyone that not everyone celebrates xmas so would have to present it some other way. Mrs. Zent mentioned maybe we could just tie this in with American Education week. That is what we will do, we will get all teachers some sort of game for each classroom for American Education week.
3. Lori will start looking at the play for spring time and was wondering if anybody had any connections for a director or should she just start with last years director. Lori will email him and see if he is interested or knows anybody that would be.
4. Door prizes were drawn. A huge thank you for coming tonight to the meeting.
5. Next meeting will be Tuesday December 3rd, 2013.
6. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
October 2013 Meeting Minutes
Aurora PTO Meeting Minutes October 2013
Present: Lori Bateman, Erica Johnson, Tracy Boehm, Kimberly Olson, Jolien Schwan, Chuck Schwan, Christina Underwood, Emily Wolf, Jessica Kliem, Michelle Angus, Kriste Briest, Laura Hjelseth, Maidie Gruden, Michelle Lemar, Jennifer Raan, Tawnya Follingstad, Ali Clemenson, Amy Knight, Heidi Fritz, Carol Zent, Tanya Thompson and 4th grade teachers (Mrs. Hamm, Mrs. Schultz, Mrs. Kotzbacher and Mr. Regner).
1. Lori asked if anybody had read Septermber meeting minutes and asked for approval of those. Chuck Schwan made a motion to pass September meeting minutes. Motion was passed and September 2013 meeting minutes have been approved.
1. Lori introduced Ali Clemenson, a phy ed teacher at Aurora. Ali filled us in on 2 amazing opportunies that will be coming up for Aurora. The first one being they would like to bring Tae Kwon Do to the school for the 1st through 5th graders at Aurora. This will run just like an intramural class does and be from 2:45-3:45 after school. The first session will be 1st and 2nd graders and second session will be 3rd and 4th grade. The instructor would like PTO to sponsor this with all money being paid to PTO and we will pay the coach and any money leftover will be for the PTO. There will be a minimum and maximum of kids needed for the class. Michelle Angus made a motion for this to pass and Erica Johnson second the motion. Motion was passed to bring Tae Kwon Do to Aurora. The second opportunity that Ali talked about was a program called Skatetime. They are out of Minneapolis and they come into the schools and teach kids how to skate. They did do this at Osgood and had a great success with great feedback. They provide all the equipment and supervision, would need parents to fill our permission slips and also would be just a donation for the cost, the PTO would cover the cost for the program to come which is around $1200. The instructor, Brian Goodmanson would come to the school for about 2 weeks and the learning would be during your childs regular scheduled gym time. Since this would be in the spring we will wait and vote on this after we see how we do on our fundraiser.
2. Lori handed out the Book Fair Workshop certificates- Kristie and Laura went to the workshop and got awards.
3. Lori mentioned Spirit wear has come in and is in the teachers mailboxes. Jessica said total sales this year were $3800 and we get 10 percent of that back.
4. Lori talked about the My Coke Rewards, we had some points banked up so we used those points and bought some things for the art teacher since she is helping with the art and science night.
5. Lori gave an update on the Liberty 5th graders. Last year the PTO voted to give the 5th graders money to be used for a field trip, hoping they would get to go on the Bismarck field trip. We had budgeted for $3500, but Lori has talked with Freedom PTA and they are going to vote at their next meeting how much they are giving their 5th graders, but they are thinking more like $500-$1000, so we will wait to hear from them and then match whatever they are giving. Not sure if we can put any stipulations on how they spend that money or what field trip they will take but Mrs. Zent will talk with Mrs. Shay.
1. We started the month with $1415.70. Target made donation of $1124.60, 1 percent of red card goes to school of your choice. Gate City Bank did a parent matching donation. We had expenses for back to school teacher gifts, door prizes for meetings and lost and found hooks/totes. The month end balance is $2413.74.
2. Tracy explained our tax status. We are a non profit organization which we are exempt from income tax and not sales tax, along time ago we started using the school's tax exempt status so we did not have to pay sales tax and that is illegal we should be paying sales tax on school supplies. We do not charge sales tax for the bookfair. There was lots of information that Tracy learned when she contacted the State Tax Department. Thank you to Tracy for looking out for the PTO and making sure we are legit.
1. Mrs. Zent pointed out the thank you cards that were on the book case and they are for the rugs that all the teachers received. They seem to be good quality rugs and all the teachers really appreciated them. The PTO had purchased these rugs for all classrooms at Aurora.
2. Conferences are coming up, if you have any conflicts at all call Ronda in the office, don't tell the teacher, Ronda is the keeper of the conference schedule. The conference slips will be sent home on Friday.
3. October 9th is pictures day make sure to turn in you picture forms to your teachers by October 4th.
4. The flu clinic is the 17th, in the past it has been when school is on so this is something new since there is no school on the 17th. It is from 3pm-6pm and the PTO receives $1 for every shot or mist so make sure to come get your flu shot at Aurora.
1. Fundraiser: The fundraising has gone well, there would be a few things to change for next year in regards to the ducks. Mrs. Zent mentioned about the safety on the playground with the lanyards so will make note of that for next year and also some parents were upset about not getting to pick which duck their child received. So there are some things to consider for next year. Still waiting to hear on when the exact pick up date will be. It has changed a few times so will send out an email as soon as we know. We should know numbers at next months meeting.
2.Conference Meals: - Erica gave the rundown of the meals. Monday we are providing soups in crockpots, we have 12 dozen dinner rolls by Breadsmith, cookies from Mrs. Fields and pies from Perkins. Tuesday will be Olive Garden, but still are in need of bars or cookies donated by parents. Erica sent around a sign up sheet and if we need it Lori will send out a doodle poll. Conferences are Monday October 14th and Tuesday October 15th.
3.Book Fair: Kriste & Laura are co chairs and they explained it will be an Egyptian theme this year. It will be delivered on October 10th and we will leave it set up for the flu shot clinic on the 17th. Lori will wait until everybody knows what time their conferences will be at and then she will send out a doodle poll. Kriste mentioned if the easy scan scares you it is super easy to use, there are lots of other things you can do such as stratghtening and helping people pick out books. They are going to promote the online bookfair, there is no tax and free shipping. The teachers will again have their wish lists. Flyers will be coming home with the kids. Also going to be doing a raffle for parents to drop raffle slips off after they are done with their conference. There is some scholastic bucks to spend and Mrs. Zent has lots of ideas for that.
4. Box Tops Committee & Parent Helpers Committee: Jenn was not at meeting tonight to give a report.
1. The Fall Science Night has been set for November 7th, for the 1st and 2nd graders. Already have 7 teachers that have agreed to help out that night. Will look at doing a rotation of stations so ideally would like to have 18 helpers for the night. Will send out notes beforehand so we can do a preorder of pizza. It will run from 5:30-7:30.
1. Will talk about Texas Roadhouse next month.
2. Next meeting will be Tuesday, November 5th 2013.
3. Door prizes were drawn. A huge thank you to all parents that attended tonight's meeting.
4. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
Aurora PTO Meeting Minutes October 2013
Present: Lori Bateman, Erica Johnson, Tracy Boehm, Kimberly Olson, Jolien Schwan, Chuck Schwan, Christina Underwood, Emily Wolf, Jessica Kliem, Michelle Angus, Kriste Briest, Laura Hjelseth, Maidie Gruden, Michelle Lemar, Jennifer Raan, Tawnya Follingstad, Ali Clemenson, Amy Knight, Heidi Fritz, Carol Zent, Tanya Thompson and 4th grade teachers (Mrs. Hamm, Mrs. Schultz, Mrs. Kotzbacher and Mr. Regner).
1. Lori asked if anybody had read Septermber meeting minutes and asked for approval of those. Chuck Schwan made a motion to pass September meeting minutes. Motion was passed and September 2013 meeting minutes have been approved.
1. Lori introduced Ali Clemenson, a phy ed teacher at Aurora. Ali filled us in on 2 amazing opportunies that will be coming up for Aurora. The first one being they would like to bring Tae Kwon Do to the school for the 1st through 5th graders at Aurora. This will run just like an intramural class does and be from 2:45-3:45 after school. The first session will be 1st and 2nd graders and second session will be 3rd and 4th grade. The instructor would like PTO to sponsor this with all money being paid to PTO and we will pay the coach and any money leftover will be for the PTO. There will be a minimum and maximum of kids needed for the class. Michelle Angus made a motion for this to pass and Erica Johnson second the motion. Motion was passed to bring Tae Kwon Do to Aurora. The second opportunity that Ali talked about was a program called Skatetime. They are out of Minneapolis and they come into the schools and teach kids how to skate. They did do this at Osgood and had a great success with great feedback. They provide all the equipment and supervision, would need parents to fill our permission slips and also would be just a donation for the cost, the PTO would cover the cost for the program to come which is around $1200. The instructor, Brian Goodmanson would come to the school for about 2 weeks and the learning would be during your childs regular scheduled gym time. Since this would be in the spring we will wait and vote on this after we see how we do on our fundraiser.
2. Lori handed out the Book Fair Workshop certificates- Kristie and Laura went to the workshop and got awards.
3. Lori mentioned Spirit wear has come in and is in the teachers mailboxes. Jessica said total sales this year were $3800 and we get 10 percent of that back.
4. Lori talked about the My Coke Rewards, we had some points banked up so we used those points and bought some things for the art teacher since she is helping with the art and science night.
5. Lori gave an update on the Liberty 5th graders. Last year the PTO voted to give the 5th graders money to be used for a field trip, hoping they would get to go on the Bismarck field trip. We had budgeted for $3500, but Lori has talked with Freedom PTA and they are going to vote at their next meeting how much they are giving their 5th graders, but they are thinking more like $500-$1000, so we will wait to hear from them and then match whatever they are giving. Not sure if we can put any stipulations on how they spend that money or what field trip they will take but Mrs. Zent will talk with Mrs. Shay.
1. We started the month with $1415.70. Target made donation of $1124.60, 1 percent of red card goes to school of your choice. Gate City Bank did a parent matching donation. We had expenses for back to school teacher gifts, door prizes for meetings and lost and found hooks/totes. The month end balance is $2413.74.
2. Tracy explained our tax status. We are a non profit organization which we are exempt from income tax and not sales tax, along time ago we started using the school's tax exempt status so we did not have to pay sales tax and that is illegal we should be paying sales tax on school supplies. We do not charge sales tax for the bookfair. There was lots of information that Tracy learned when she contacted the State Tax Department. Thank you to Tracy for looking out for the PTO and making sure we are legit.
1. Mrs. Zent pointed out the thank you cards that were on the book case and they are for the rugs that all the teachers received. They seem to be good quality rugs and all the teachers really appreciated them. The PTO had purchased these rugs for all classrooms at Aurora.
2. Conferences are coming up, if you have any conflicts at all call Ronda in the office, don't tell the teacher, Ronda is the keeper of the conference schedule. The conference slips will be sent home on Friday.
3. October 9th is pictures day make sure to turn in you picture forms to your teachers by October 4th.
4. The flu clinic is the 17th, in the past it has been when school is on so this is something new since there is no school on the 17th. It is from 3pm-6pm and the PTO receives $1 for every shot or mist so make sure to come get your flu shot at Aurora.
1. Fundraiser: The fundraising has gone well, there would be a few things to change for next year in regards to the ducks. Mrs. Zent mentioned about the safety on the playground with the lanyards so will make note of that for next year and also some parents were upset about not getting to pick which duck their child received. So there are some things to consider for next year. Still waiting to hear on when the exact pick up date will be. It has changed a few times so will send out an email as soon as we know. We should know numbers at next months meeting.
2.Conference Meals: - Erica gave the rundown of the meals. Monday we are providing soups in crockpots, we have 12 dozen dinner rolls by Breadsmith, cookies from Mrs. Fields and pies from Perkins. Tuesday will be Olive Garden, but still are in need of bars or cookies donated by parents. Erica sent around a sign up sheet and if we need it Lori will send out a doodle poll. Conferences are Monday October 14th and Tuesday October 15th.
3.Book Fair: Kriste & Laura are co chairs and they explained it will be an Egyptian theme this year. It will be delivered on October 10th and we will leave it set up for the flu shot clinic on the 17th. Lori will wait until everybody knows what time their conferences will be at and then she will send out a doodle poll. Kriste mentioned if the easy scan scares you it is super easy to use, there are lots of other things you can do such as stratghtening and helping people pick out books. They are going to promote the online bookfair, there is no tax and free shipping. The teachers will again have their wish lists. Flyers will be coming home with the kids. Also going to be doing a raffle for parents to drop raffle slips off after they are done with their conference. There is some scholastic bucks to spend and Mrs. Zent has lots of ideas for that.
4. Box Tops Committee & Parent Helpers Committee: Jenn was not at meeting tonight to give a report.
1. The Fall Science Night has been set for November 7th, for the 1st and 2nd graders. Already have 7 teachers that have agreed to help out that night. Will look at doing a rotation of stations so ideally would like to have 18 helpers for the night. Will send out notes beforehand so we can do a preorder of pizza. It will run from 5:30-7:30.
1. Will talk about Texas Roadhouse next month.
2. Next meeting will be Tuesday, November 5th 2013.
3. Door prizes were drawn. A huge thank you to all parents that attended tonight's meeting.
4. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted by: Tanya Thompson
September 2013 Meeting Minutes
Present: Kristi Briest, Michelle Angus, Chuck Schwan, Jolien Schwan, Monica Rilea, Heidi Fritz, Jessica Kliem, Bob Bekkerus, Jennifer Kraft, Patrice Lahlum, Erica Johnson, Kami Muchow, Christina Underwood, Dawn Herford, Paul Bourdeaux, Wendy Halverson, Brandy Peterson, Michelle Lemar, Tammy Helweg, Tawnya Follingstad, Virginia Schmidt, Sarah Kuck, Lyndsey Stuedle, Susan Duffy, Tanya Thompson, Tracy Boehm, 2nd Grade Teachers, Carol Zent and Lori Bateman.
Call to order and welcome everybody, great to see the awesome turnout for tonights meeting.
There were no previous minutes to approve
1.Please fill out the volunteer forms/see if anything jumps out at you to filll in anywhere.
2.A big thank you to Paul on school supplies, everything went great.
3.PTO purchased classroom rugs-24 rugs, one for each classroom, they shipped later than anticipated should be here on Friday.
1. Was stated earlier rugs were purchased to help spend some money.
2.Some teacher requests were granted, those that requested were honored.
3. August 1st is our fiscal year,as of 9-2-13 there is $1415.70 balance.
4. Tracy explained the budget and went through everything.
5. Would like to get budget approved for next year, Paul made a motion to have budget passed as is, Jessica second the motion.
1. Please take the time to review the newsletter it goes home every friday via email, it is always posted on the website as well.
2.There is an attendance collor system, please tell the office if your student will be gone, the attendance will go unexcused and an automatic call will go out to you to let you know your child is absent.
3. There are 14 new staff members, great to have them on board.
4.The new school will not affect our numbers here at Aurora, it will be the next school built that will help with overcrowding at Aurora. Right now Aurora is around 482 students which is a good number right now.
5. There is a contest going on right now where you can name the new school.
6. There are a lot of walkers so please be careful when driving, 50% of students are walking.
7.Welcome back to school mathematics, Aurora uses Everyday Mathematics, you will get a login for this, it is lots of help for practicing.
8. Aurora again is doing wake up and walk with the phy ed teachers, 10 minutes they walk the loop before school, seems to be going well, helps prevent injuries and disputes.
9. Aurora will be doing bucket filling again this year for postivie supports.
10. Any concerns with anything please stop in and visit with Mrs. Zent, her door is always open.
1. FUNDRAISING: The fundraiser this year is Great American Fundraising, hopefully you got to sample their yummy cookies at back to school night. Will be using 2 books to order from, one is just cookie dough and the other is a gift catalog. You will be able to send email to friends and relatives out of town to order from the gift catalog and it will ship directly to them.The fundraiser will kick off September 19th, all information will be going home on this date. There is an online contest going on right now and the person with most sales before the official kick off will win a huge stuffed dog. This will go until October 1st and all orders will be counted and go out for fulfillment on October 4th. We will need volunteers for when everything comes in to help distribute, this will most likely be on October 24th, please watch for doodle poll for this. We are not doing small prizes, we will instead use that money for the end of school party to rent inflatables again. We hope everybody can sell at least 10 items to help get us to our goal, our goal will help with a new climbing wall in the gym and maybe even some new playground equipment. The top sellers in the school will get wristbands on last day of school and every time they go on an inflatable they automatically get to go to the front of the line. We are going to be doing rock star ducks to help get the kids motivated and depending on number of items they sell they will receive ducks to put on their lanyards.
2.CONFERENCE MEALS: Conferences will be on October 14 and 15, Erica is putting in calls to get things donated or may look at doing potluck for the teachers. The PTO sponsors all the meals during conferences for the teachers.
3.BOOKFAIR: The book fair goes along with conferences, the kids get to look before hand and come home with wish list, the PTO volunteers and staffs the book fair. It is super easy to run the tills and lots of fun, please consider volunteering for the book fair.
4. YEARBOOK: Not much going on yet with this but will probably go with Scherling again, had a great experience last year with them. Need to double check on flash drives for all the teachers.
5.SPIRIT WEAR : There are new shirts and items available to order, can order online or with order form, the deadline is friday for online orders, the forms will need to be in also but will not be mailed until next week. It is thesame company we have been with, the big thing is neon colors.
6. BOX TOPS AND PARENT HELPERS: Jen talked about box tops, over 2000 dollars last year, they do add up so keep saving. There will be a contest for September, classroom with the most will get a party. The daytime helpers didn't do too much with that last year but they help teachers out during the day, usually meet in the morning. If interested in helping please mark it on the volunteer form.
None at this time.
1. Would like to do a family fun night for 1 and 2nd grade, maybe do a reading night or science night in the fall and then do a night at the arts in the spring for 3 and 4 grade. Tammy motioned for science night and sarah 2nd the motion. Last year we did play for the older kids, we could also set up an art gallery for parents to go through, hopefully we can get others to set up booths, then have a play afterwards, we will table this until November and will at a date then.
2. PTO purchased hooks for lost and found, they were just purchased yesterday, hopefully will keep the lost and found a little neater.
3. The flu shot clinic will be held on October 17th, 3:00pm-6:00pm. The 7 day clinic will be doing it again this year and Aurora does get 1 dollar for every shot so please consider getting your flu shot at Aurora this year.
4. A HUGE congrats to Mrs. Zent on the WFPS Kaleidoscope Award. A very deserving award for her, we are so happy for her.
5. The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 1st, 2013. Free childcare as always, the gals that are doing the childcare are sisters, one of them is going into education and the other one is an 8th grader, a big thank you to them for volunteering their time to help out at Aurora.
6. Door prizes were drawn, a big thank you for everybody that attended tonights meeting. Please hand in the volunteer forms before leaving tonight.
7. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted By: Tanya Thompson
Present: Kristi Briest, Michelle Angus, Chuck Schwan, Jolien Schwan, Monica Rilea, Heidi Fritz, Jessica Kliem, Bob Bekkerus, Jennifer Kraft, Patrice Lahlum, Erica Johnson, Kami Muchow, Christina Underwood, Dawn Herford, Paul Bourdeaux, Wendy Halverson, Brandy Peterson, Michelle Lemar, Tammy Helweg, Tawnya Follingstad, Virginia Schmidt, Sarah Kuck, Lyndsey Stuedle, Susan Duffy, Tanya Thompson, Tracy Boehm, 2nd Grade Teachers, Carol Zent and Lori Bateman.
Call to order and welcome everybody, great to see the awesome turnout for tonights meeting.
There were no previous minutes to approve
1.Please fill out the volunteer forms/see if anything jumps out at you to filll in anywhere.
2.A big thank you to Paul on school supplies, everything went great.
3.PTO purchased classroom rugs-24 rugs, one for each classroom, they shipped later than anticipated should be here on Friday.
1. Was stated earlier rugs were purchased to help spend some money.
2.Some teacher requests were granted, those that requested were honored.
3. August 1st is our fiscal year,as of 9-2-13 there is $1415.70 balance.
4. Tracy explained the budget and went through everything.
5. Would like to get budget approved for next year, Paul made a motion to have budget passed as is, Jessica second the motion.
1. Please take the time to review the newsletter it goes home every friday via email, it is always posted on the website as well.
2.There is an attendance collor system, please tell the office if your student will be gone, the attendance will go unexcused and an automatic call will go out to you to let you know your child is absent.
3. There are 14 new staff members, great to have them on board.
4.The new school will not affect our numbers here at Aurora, it will be the next school built that will help with overcrowding at Aurora. Right now Aurora is around 482 students which is a good number right now.
5. There is a contest going on right now where you can name the new school.
6. There are a lot of walkers so please be careful when driving, 50% of students are walking.
7.Welcome back to school mathematics, Aurora uses Everyday Mathematics, you will get a login for this, it is lots of help for practicing.
8. Aurora again is doing wake up and walk with the phy ed teachers, 10 minutes they walk the loop before school, seems to be going well, helps prevent injuries and disputes.
9. Aurora will be doing bucket filling again this year for postivie supports.
10. Any concerns with anything please stop in and visit with Mrs. Zent, her door is always open.
1. FUNDRAISING: The fundraiser this year is Great American Fundraising, hopefully you got to sample their yummy cookies at back to school night. Will be using 2 books to order from, one is just cookie dough and the other is a gift catalog. You will be able to send email to friends and relatives out of town to order from the gift catalog and it will ship directly to them.The fundraiser will kick off September 19th, all information will be going home on this date. There is an online contest going on right now and the person with most sales before the official kick off will win a huge stuffed dog. This will go until October 1st and all orders will be counted and go out for fulfillment on October 4th. We will need volunteers for when everything comes in to help distribute, this will most likely be on October 24th, please watch for doodle poll for this. We are not doing small prizes, we will instead use that money for the end of school party to rent inflatables again. We hope everybody can sell at least 10 items to help get us to our goal, our goal will help with a new climbing wall in the gym and maybe even some new playground equipment. The top sellers in the school will get wristbands on last day of school and every time they go on an inflatable they automatically get to go to the front of the line. We are going to be doing rock star ducks to help get the kids motivated and depending on number of items they sell they will receive ducks to put on their lanyards.
2.CONFERENCE MEALS: Conferences will be on October 14 and 15, Erica is putting in calls to get things donated or may look at doing potluck for the teachers. The PTO sponsors all the meals during conferences for the teachers.
3.BOOKFAIR: The book fair goes along with conferences, the kids get to look before hand and come home with wish list, the PTO volunteers and staffs the book fair. It is super easy to run the tills and lots of fun, please consider volunteering for the book fair.
4. YEARBOOK: Not much going on yet with this but will probably go with Scherling again, had a great experience last year with them. Need to double check on flash drives for all the teachers.
5.SPIRIT WEAR : There are new shirts and items available to order, can order online or with order form, the deadline is friday for online orders, the forms will need to be in also but will not be mailed until next week. It is thesame company we have been with, the big thing is neon colors.
6. BOX TOPS AND PARENT HELPERS: Jen talked about box tops, over 2000 dollars last year, they do add up so keep saving. There will be a contest for September, classroom with the most will get a party. The daytime helpers didn't do too much with that last year but they help teachers out during the day, usually meet in the morning. If interested in helping please mark it on the volunteer form.
None at this time.
1. Would like to do a family fun night for 1 and 2nd grade, maybe do a reading night or science night in the fall and then do a night at the arts in the spring for 3 and 4 grade. Tammy motioned for science night and sarah 2nd the motion. Last year we did play for the older kids, we could also set up an art gallery for parents to go through, hopefully we can get others to set up booths, then have a play afterwards, we will table this until November and will at a date then.
2. PTO purchased hooks for lost and found, they were just purchased yesterday, hopefully will keep the lost and found a little neater.
3. The flu shot clinic will be held on October 17th, 3:00pm-6:00pm. The 7 day clinic will be doing it again this year and Aurora does get 1 dollar for every shot so please consider getting your flu shot at Aurora this year.
4. A HUGE congrats to Mrs. Zent on the WFPS Kaleidoscope Award. A very deserving award for her, we are so happy for her.
5. The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 1st, 2013. Free childcare as always, the gals that are doing the childcare are sisters, one of them is going into education and the other one is an 8th grader, a big thank you to them for volunteering their time to help out at Aurora.
6. Door prizes were drawn, a big thank you for everybody that attended tonights meeting. Please hand in the volunteer forms before leaving tonight.
7. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes Submitted By: Tanya Thompson